A Surprising Move: YouTube Reportedly Testing In-App and In-Site Gaming

  • Alan Walker
  • October 7, 2023
  • 288

Recently, a report from The Wall Street Journal revealed that YouTube, the popular video-sharing platform, is internally testing the integration of games within its website and app. This unexpected decision sparks a debate over the real intentions behind this move and whether it will positively affect the platform's community, which is already struggling with issues like monetization and moderation.

According to the report, certain games are being tested by Google employees, but only one of them, "Stack Bounce," is described in detail. This particular game resembles the classic Brick Breaker, with a vertically oriented target. Although this introduction of casual, arcade-style games seems harmless, it raises concerns about YouTube's priorities when it comes to addressing the needs of its core users – video creators and viewers.

Several instances showcasing the platform's flaws have come to light recently. For example, Summoning Salt, a well-known videogame speedrun historian, faced confusing moderation decisions on his Mega Man documentary, which severely impacted the video's revenue and discoverability. Another case is that of Zullie the Witch, a dedicated Souls series dataminer, whose unmonetized tribute video to the late Berserk creator Kentaro Miura was fraudulently copyright striked, potentially damaging her channel's future performance.

YouTube's decision to branch out into the gaming sector may not be inherently problematic, but it does feel misplaced when the content creators that make the platform worth visiting continue to experience difficulties. This attempt to diversify YouTube's offerings is reminiscent of other social media networks that impulsively follow trends and introduce features like Snapchat-like "stories" or TikTok-inspired short-form videos, often to the detriment of their original functionalities and user experiences.

In conclusion, YouTube's exploration into casual gaming may turn out to be a fleeting experiment or an underused add-on, similar to Netflix's own overlooked gaming library. However, it is essential to recognize the potential negative impact of this decision on an already strained relationship between YouTube and its community. By diverting resources and attention away from pressing matters like fair monetization and content moderation, YouTube risks undermining the trust and loyalty of its users, who ultimately are the platform's lifeblood.

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