A Teen Hacker Arrested in London for Hacking Rockstar… Or Not

  • Alan Walker
  • October 5, 2023
  • 306

The recent leak about the upcoming GTA 6 was among the most serious blows dealt to Rockstar Games, the company known for its ability to keep their archives closed and protected. Now, London police have arrested a teen hacker who can be the one responsible for this intervention. Still, though, we have no confirmation from either side.

The leak was serious: over 90 videos with the footage of actual gameplay appeared online on various forums and social media, and they appear to be authentic. Given how seriously Rockstar takes secrecy and privacy, this was unheard of. And there is a chance that a 17-year-old Londoner that was arrested on September 23 has something to do with this leak.

There is no confirmation, though. Neither the police nor Rockstar has claimed this was the hacker who stole the footage. The hacker himself, of course, doesn’t confirm it either. The Rockstar case may have nothing at all to do with the cause: there was another target of the attack at about the same time, no less than Uber. Though the publisher of the leak claimed they were both responsible for backing Uber and Rockstar, it requires further investigation to corroborate this.

The police refused to comment on the case more than it had already done. As various sites contacted it for further comments, the London City Police replied with the standard answer: the further information will be posted on the official Twitter account is there is any. So far, as you see, there is none, and it may require more than a teenage hacker to get more details against their will.

Do you think they really have the hacker responsible for the leak? Would you like to see more leaks? Anyway, reading and watching them is fun, though a bit illegal type of it. But it’s okay for a GTA player to bond with its criminal protagonists, so it is with real-life ones, isn’t it? Tell us what you think about it in the comments!

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