Adobe's Bold Move: Indemnity Clause for AI-Generated Art to Support Enterprise Users

  • Alan Walker
  • October 7, 2023
  • 276

In response to concerns surrounding AI-generated artwork and intellectual property rights, Adobe has implemented a unique approach to protect its enterprise customers. The company introduced an indemnity clause, ensuring that they will cover any copyright claims related to works created using their generative AI art tool, Adobe Firefly.

Adobe's decision to take responsibility for copyright disputes demonstrates its commitment to addressing the legal uncertainties around using AI-generated art in commercial endeavors. By offering this reassurance, Adobe is giving enterprise customers peace of mind when using Firefly for their projects. The indemnity clause specifies that Adobe will indemnify customers against third-party IP claims, thereby protecting them from potential legal battles.

Adobe's confidence in offering this indemnity stems from the fact that Firefly has been trained on Adobe Stock images, open datasets, and public domain content with expired copyrights. The company does not rely on content from the open internet, thereby reducing the chances of infringing on copyrights. Adobe Chief Strategy Officer Scott Belsky acknowledges the concerns of enterprise customers regarding the use of generative AI and the need to ensure that the AI has been trained on legally permissible content.

While it is still uncertain how the courts will rule on copyright issues associated with AI-generated content, Adobe believes that its Firefly tool is a safe option for enterprise customers. Adobe General Counsel Dana Rao says the company is prepared to step in and indemnify customers, as they are confident in the sources of their training data. This approach to offering indemnity has been praised by industry analysts, such as Ray Wang, the founder and principal analyst at Constellation Research. Wang sees this as a brilliant move for Adobe and a way for creators to benefit from their works on Adobe Stock.

Ultimately, Adobe's indemnity clause reflects its dedication to supporting its enterprise customers and addressing their IP concerns in the evolving field of AI-generated art. By providing this assurance, Adobe is helping to pave the way for greater adoption of AI-powered creative tools while instilling confidence in their enterprise users. This bold move showcases the company's commitment to innovation and customer satisfaction as they continue to push the boundaries of technology and creativity.

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