Call of Duty: Warzone to Be Released on Mobiles

  • Alan Walker
  • October 5, 2023
  • 164

Call of Duty: Warzones is one of the most anticipated titles of 2022 on mobile devices. The game is already warmly received on consoles and PC, and now it’s coming to smaller devices. But is it going to replace Call of Duty Mobile, or will it offer a completely different experience?

 Given how little official information we have, we can only apply some common sense. There is no reason to replace the extremely successful Call of Duty: Mobile which attracts millions. So the gameplay will be different: instead of team-based CoDM, we are to receive a Battle Royale game with visuals and mechanics similar to the “big” CoD: Warzone.

 This also hints that the game will also be free-to-play, with purchasable cosmetics and seasonal items. Weapons and armor will mostly mirror those from the CoD Warzone we have now. And chances are high that the game will natively support gamepads by Sony and Microsoft, and also third-party products. Finally, we can expect it to be a long-time project, with constant updates and events.

 What we also know from job listings is that the upcoming game will be developed from scratch. That means it will not be a straightforward port of the existing CoD Warzones. On one hand, it will mean incompatibility with desktop and console versions, so crossplay will only include iOS and Android. On the other, original development will make better use of mobile platforms which will result in better performance. 

 Anyway, don’t expect it any time soon. We will have to wait for long until we even get the first peek. Activision has just revealed its plans by posting some job listings for the upcoming game. 

 What do you expect from Call of Duty Warzone on mobiles? Do you like the original CoD Warzone? How would it stand the competition with other BR games? Share your forecasts with us in the comments!

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