Facebook Launches Reels to More Than 150 Countries Worldwide

  • Alan Walker
  • October 5, 2023
  • 303

Reels is a feature that should be very familiar to people who use Instagram. It is a feature that allows creators to make and edit short, entertaining videos. It also allows content creators to earn money with the Reels Play Bonus Program, which allows making up to $35,000 in revenue. Aside from that, Reels can also be monetized using fan support and in-video ads.

At the moment, Reels Overlay Ads will only be added to Canada, the United States, and Mexico. However, there are plans to expand this list in the following few weeks. If you’re currently using Facebook’s in-stream ad program, then you are instantly eligible to use Reels as well to monetize your videos.

Facebook is planning to use two types of ad formats including static images and banner ads. Facebook has made sure that advertisers have as much control as possible over the placement of their ads. They will have access to Delivery Reports, Inventory Filters, Blocklists, and Publisher Lists to fine-tune their marketing strategy.

Aside from monetizing options, creators will also be happy to find out that Reels offers a new editing option including a feature called Remix. Facebook has also decided that Reels could be up to 1 minute long since 15-second reels on Instagram were simply too short.

Facebook has stated that Reels will soon be added to the news feed and Stories. After that, it will appear in other locations as well.

Have you ever used reels on Instagram? Is it a useful feature that you’d like to see implemented on Facebook? Tell us what you think in the comment section below.

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