Google Improves Search to Display Helpful Reviews

  • Alan Walker
  • October 5, 2023
  • 396

Product reviews have already been popping up in Google search for a while. Now the company is rolling out an improved search algorithm to ensure that all the offered reviews are actually helpful to the users. More on that below. 

Prioritized Reviews

The updated search will now prioritize reviews posted by users who have bought the product and had real user experience. Google will analyze reviews to detect and prioritize the ones that include unique information and comparisons with similar products. Currently, the improvements work only on the English version of the search engine. 


The list of new search criteria released on March 23 ensures that the prioritized reviews are only from those users who show first-hand experience and expert knowledge of the product. It means that reviews should include comparison, pros and cons, detailed descriptions of features, differences between product versions, and information that hasn’t been originally published by the manufacturer. It’s also important that the users show the experience of owning a product by describing its physical properties. 

One More Thing

Google is currently scheduling a series of updates to improve the overall search quality and usability. One of the most notable updates so far is also an option to delete the last 15 minutes worth of search history in a single click. It’s a convenient alternative to enabling the private search mode every time. 

More to Come

Have you already noticed the changes in product review suggestions on Google? Have they improved your personal user experience? Tell us what you think in the comments and share the news with friends. More exciting news and announcements are already on the way, so don’t forget to add our blog to bookmarks so as not to miss them.

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