Google Will Allow Users to Get Rid of Personalized Ads

  • Alan Walker
  • October 5, 2023
  • 299

Fraud prevention and the use of personalized ads have been the topics of discussion for both Apple and Google. Right after the initial reaction of Apple to this problem, Google now decided to restrict the way apps can track users to provide them with personalized ads.

According to the company, the developers of Android apps won’t be able to track users who have decided to remove such ads. The way it works is that Google will remove your advertising ID so app developers will get only zeros instead of the real identifier. This update will fully be valid in late 2021.

If you are not familiar with what an advertising ID is, it is your unique ID that is assigned to you based on your use of Google Play. With the new system in place, you will be able to decide whether you want developers to see your ID or not. In this way, you can stop getting personalized ads if this is something you want.

In addition to this update, Google plans to offer solutions for fraud prevention, but we will hear more about this in July.
What do you think about this update? Would you choose to not see personalized ads? Please, share your thoughts in the comments below this post.

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