Instagram: No More In-Stream Video Ads

  • Alan Walker
  • October 5, 2023
  • 397

While most social media now implement new advertising methods, Instagram, on the contrary, cancels one of the existing, No more will its users see video ads during the streams. Instagram officially announces taking down this type of ads and offers other options to advertisers.

This looks absolutely logical as Instagram solidifies its video experience. Last year, the media decided to ditch IGTV as a standalone project and integrate streams and long video into its main service and app. In-stream ads were a part of IGTV experience, and now they can follow the project they were designed for.

Instead, Instagram is now testing new ad formats that would be more in line with its new approach inspired by TikTok. It may introduce ads that better fit the full-screen feed format. These can include both video and static content, but they won’t be disruptive for the experience. The new feed is yet to arrive, and probably it will first be tested on a group of select users before making it to everyone.

So far, the new feed is reported to be in testing phase. According to a well-known researcher Alessandro Paluzzi, the full immersive feed will look more TikTok-ish, with one post per screen. Instead of smooth scrolling when the screen shows multiple posts at the same time, Instagram is switching to page-turning experience. Ad integration will also be reviewed to fit the new style.

Anyway, ditching the in-stream ads is a relief for many users and a new headache for advertisers. Now they will have to invent new formats to make their ads more compatible with Reels or Instagram posts. This may result, though, in more creative approach that will make the ads more watchable and more efficient.

What do you think about it? Are streams more watchable without ads? If they are inevitable, how would you like to perceive them? Share your ideas with us in the comments!

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