Messenger Publishes Internet Safety Tips

  • Alan Walker
  • October 5, 2023
  • 146

Safer Internet Day, which, considering our pandemic-driven need for massive online interaction, is now a vital reminder of the need for digital safety education. On this occasion, Messenger from Facebook has published some tips for helping everyone get to grips with their choices when engaging in potentially dangerous interactions. 

Understanding the golden rules of online safety and setting boundaries with your digital contacts is very important. So, keep reading to figure out what Messenger has to say about it. 

Without further ado, Messenger’s digital safety recommendations are as follows:

  • if you prefer to continue interacting with someone, make sure you adjust your gadget’s privacy settings to your advantage;

  • mute or restrict people you’re currently not willing to communicate with;

  • in case you find communication with someone online harmful or even dangerous, take immediate action: block/report them or ask for help immediately.

Find an overview of Messenger’s general online safety reminders below:

  • let this special day stimulate you to brush up on all your software controls and settings, particularly the ones you’ve sorted out for your children;

  • revisit your ‘Sleep Mode’ settings to use your devices in the smartest way possible;

  • make sure you teach your kids Internet safety rules on a regular basis, as well as occasionally limit their use of technology for the sake of physical activity.

Cutting to the chase, considering our massive dependence on the World Wide Web, digital literacy is crucial. Always monitor how your kids communicate online, and make sure you set a fine example for them, too. Safer Internet Day is a great opportunity to reconsider some of your digital communication patterns and start walking on the safer side of all-things-online. So, what about you? Do you always feel safe communicating online? Speak up in the comment box below.

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