Steam Drops Support for Windows 7 and 8 in 2023

  • Alan Walker
  • October 5, 2023
  • 173

Valve Corporation, the developer of the popular digital game distribution platform, Steam, recently announced that they would be dropping support for Windows 7 and 8 OS next year. This news was met with disappointment from those who currently use either system to play games on their PCs. In this article, we will discuss why Valve made this decision and what it means for players using older versions of Windows.

The main reason behind Valve's decision is due to their reliance on Google Chrome embedded features which are no longer compatible with the older systems. Furthermore, upcoming versions of Steam will require updates that are only available in Windows 10 or later. According to recent statistics from Steam’s February Hardware and Software Survey, less than one percent (0.09%) of users run Windows 7, while 1.43% use the 64-bit version - making them a distinct minority amongst PC gamers nowadays.

It goes without saying that many players still rely on these systems to access games through Steam, so; naturally, they feel disappointed by this announcement as they may have no other option but to upgrade their system if they wish to continue playing online via Steam after 2023 rolls around. Other alternatives may exist, such as emulators or running a dual boot set-up, but ultimately it comes down to each individual player deciding how important it is for them personally whether or not they need access via an official platform like Steam.

Despite these difficulties, there might still be some hope, at least over time, since developers often find ways around new restrictions when porting games over different platforms, especially since Valve has been known in the past for listening carefully, particularly when it comes to customer feedback regarding changes in policy decisions.


All things considered, it’s understandable why Valve had decided against supporting older versions of Microsoft’s operating systems given its reliance on newer technologies, yet at the same time, many still remain hopeful that alternative options can be found, allowing those affected by this change can continue accessing their favorite digital gaming titles well into future regardless of what happens come 2023.

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