Telegram Rolls Out Its First Major Update of 2023

  • Alan Walker
  • October 7, 2023
  • 213

On February 3, Telegram, the popular messaging app, rolled out its first major update of 2023. This update included a few important features and was the first major update since December of last year. Among the new features, Telegram Premium users now have access to the option of translating an entire chat in real-time. 

The translate button is located at the top of any foreign-language thread. This includes personal chats, groups, and channels. Users have the option of selecting which languages to translate to, or they can hide the bar from the options menu. Other features available for users include the ability to check their network usage, the ability to purchase an annual premium subscription, and the ability to autosave incoming media with permission. 

The network usage feature allows users to check their data usage and view the amount of data that is being used. This can be helpful for those who have limited data plans or those who want to track their usage for other reasons. The annual premium subscription feature allows users to purchase a subscription for twelve months at a discounted rate. This subscription provides access to all the features of Telegram Premium, such as the ability to create polls, use unlimited file storage, and more. Lastly, the new autosave incoming media with permission feature allows users to automatically save incoming media received through the app, as long as they have given permission to do so. 

Overall, Telegram's first major update of 2023 has been received quite positively, with users applauding the addition of features such as the ability to translate chats in real-time and the annual premium subscription. It is expected that more such features will be added in the future.

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