The Alhaitham Bug - Fun But Useless in Genshin Impact

  • Alan Walker
  • October 7, 2023
  • 150

In the anime-style game Genshin Impact, a curious bug involving the character Alhaitham has recently been discovered. Players have found that when they aim Alhaitham‘s elemental skill at the edge of an incoming projectile, he’ll fly right past it into the distance. While this bug can provide some laughs, it is ultimately useless and should be avoided.

The Alhaitham bug has become a meme of sorts among players, but it is important to note that it can be quite dangerous. When used, the bug causes Alhaitham to take damage, and it can easily disrupt the flow of a battle. This bug is purely for novelty purposes, and it should not be relied on for any in-game activities.

The bug occurs when Alhaitham’s elemental skill is used at the exact right time. If the skill is used too early or too late, it will not activate the bug. Therefore, players must be precise in their timing if they want to make use of the Alhaitham bug.

Players should also be aware that this bug is likely to be patched out of the game in a future update. Therefore, anyone who is looking to take advantage of the bug should do so quickly before it is removed.

The Alhaitham bug in Genshin Impact is a fun but ultimately useless bug. Players can take advantage of it for a few laughs, but it should not be relied upon for any sort of in-game activity.

It is likely that the bug will be patched out of the game soon, so anyone who wants to use it should do so quickly. If you have encountered the Alhaitham bug, leave a comment and let us know about your experience!

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