Zoom launches Sales-specific IQ, Hand Gesture Recognition, and the Whiteboard

  • Alan Walker
  • October 5, 2023
  • 319

One of the best things about Zoom which grants its leadership in the video conferencing industry is that it never settles. With a new bunch of features, its users get access to new user experience and business tools. Now, you can make more use of hand gestures, deeper incorporate a whiteboard into your meetings, and use the Zoom-provided AI to boost your sales.

Whiteboard has been a thing for a while already. Now, though, it’s getting new features and becomes more useful with these. Not only will you be able to write on this board for all the members to see. The updated Whiteboard also supports stickers (the set includes different designs), upload images, and easily draw shapes as you do in basic graphic editors. These shapes are extremely useful for charts and schemes.

Hand gesture recognition lets you add reactions with your hands in front of the camera. For example, instead of selecting the “thumb up” emoji, you can actually show your thumb up, and the AI will interpret it right. By default the feature is disabled, but if you are sure your device can handle it (at least it has a camera), you can activate it in the settings.

There are also updates for already familiar features, like Zoom Backstage. With it, staff can interact with the public side of the meeting. During it, staff and panelists can leave the public meeting and switch backstage.

The most impressive for salespersons, probably, is the Zoom IQ for Sales. This algorithm analyzes the reaction of the customer and provides you with highlights to make the most use of your meetings and analyze them. Next time, you will know better how to interact with your customers.

Which of these features do you consider the most impressive? And which is the most useful for your business? Have you already tried them? If so, please, share your impressions with us in the comments!

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