1. DNC Black Caucus Event: Controversial Speaker Urges Attendees to "Act Right" for Election

  • Elliott Abernathy
  • August 22, 2024 09:04am
  • 258

2. Rev. Mark Thompson, host of the Black Caucus panel at the Democratic National Convention, urged attendees to refrain from controversial behavior for the next 70 days, sparking both criticism and support.

In a controversial statement at the Democratic National Convention's Black Caucus event, Rev. Mark Thompson instructed his audience to "act right" until the election, lest they inadvertently harm the Democrats' chances of victory.

Thompson, host of the "Make it Plain" podcast, made the remarks on Day 3 of the DNC in Chicago, emphasizing the importance of maintaining a positive image during the critical election period.

1.  DNC Black Caucus Event: Controversial Speaker Urges Attendees to

1. DNC Black Caucus Event: Controversial Speaker Urges Attendees to "Act Right" for Election

"We got 70 days to act right, y'all. Now, after 70 days, we can go back to acting crazy, right?" he said.

Thompson's statement elicited mixed reactions, with some criticizing his suggestion that certain behaviors should be suppressed and others expressing support for the need for unity and discipline.

1.  DNC Black Caucus Event: Controversial Speaker Urges Attendees to

1. DNC Black Caucus Event: Controversial Speaker Urges Attendees to "Act Right" for Election

Thompson further highlighted the challenges facing Black men on social media, where disinformation and misinformation are rampant. He called for collective action to combat these issues, urging Black men and women to stand together.

"We know we are the most targeted on social media for disinformation and misinformation. A lot of confusion, and there's a thing going on deliberately to pit Black men against Black women and vice versa," he said.

1.  DNC Black Caucus Event: Controversial Speaker Urges Attendees to

1. DNC Black Caucus Event: Controversial Speaker Urges Attendees to "Act Right" for Election

Thompson's remarks came amid the ongoing controversy surrounding his association with Nation of Islam leader Louis Farrakhan, who has made numerous antisemitic and inflammatory statements.

Thompson has defended his relationship with Farrakhan, stating that he believes in giving everyone a platform to express their ideas. However, his association with Farrakhan has raised concerns about his judgment and the appropriateness of his role as a leader in the Black community.

Despite the controversy, Thompson's call for unity and discipline resonated with some attendees, who recognized the importance of presenting a cohesive and positive image in the face of significant challenges.

The Trump campaign seized upon Thompson's comments, highlighting them as an example of the "quiet part being said out loud" at the DNC.

Fox News' Adam Shaw and Cameron Cawthorne contributed to this report.

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