Abysmal Mood in White House After Biden's Debate Debacle

  • Ruby O'Hara
  • June 29, 2024 01:03am
  • 348

CNN reporter Kayla Tausche reveals that White House staffers are devastated by President Biden's performance in the recent debate, with many unable to even show up to work.

President Biden's dismal performance in the recent debate against former President Donald Trump has sent shockwaves through the White House, with staffers expressing their devastation and questioning the president's ability to continue in the race.

According to CNN senior White House correspondent Kayla Tausche, the mood within the White House is "abysmal" and "ugly," with staffers describing a sense of deflation and despair. Many have chosen to work from home, unable to face the commiseration at their desks.

Abysmal Mood in White House After Biden's Debate Debacle

Abysmal Mood in White House After Biden's Debate Debacle

Tausche's report echoes concerns raised by others within the Biden administration, with some privately questioning whether the president can remain in the race. The debate has sparked a national conversation about Biden's ability to serve, with critics pointing to his awkward demeanor and apparent confusion during the event.

The Biden campaign has publicly maintained its support for the president, but sources within the White House indicate that some staff members are privately panicking. The campaign believes it needs time for the dust to settle and to move forward, but the impact of the debate may be difficult to overcome.

Abysmal Mood in White House After Biden's Debate Debacle

Abysmal Mood in White House After Biden's Debate Debacle

The debate has also reignited discussions about Biden's age and his fitness for office. A particularly viral moment during the debate, in which Biden stared awkwardly at Trump for an extended period, has raised concerns among his supporters.

Hunt noted that the nation finds itself in "an uncharted moment in American politics" following the debate, with just 130 days until Election Day. The debate has cast a shadow on the race and raised questions about the future of the Biden presidency.

Abysmal Mood in White House After Biden's Debate Debacle

Abysmal Mood in White House After Biden's Debate Debacle

The White House has not yet responded to requests for comment on Tausche's report. However, the dismay expressed by White House staffers is a sign of the deep concern that has taken hold within the administration.

Biden's campaign faces an uphill battle as it attempts to recover from the debate debacle. The president's performance has raised questions about his ability to lead the country and may damage his chances of reelection.

The outcome of the debate remains uncertain, but it is clear that the White House is facing a crisis of confidence. Biden's campaign must find a way to address the concerns of staffers and voters alike if it wants to regain momentum and secure victory in November.

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