Accused Killer Neonatal Nurse Lucy Letby on Trial for Alleged Murder Attempt on Baby K

  • Merlin Dach
  • June 26, 2024 06:03am
  • 264

Former nurse Lucy Letby denies intentionally displacing a baby's breathing tube in an attempt to murder the child, despite evidence that she was caught "virtually red-handed." Letby, already convicted of murdering seven babies and attempting to kill six more, stands trial for the attempted murder of Baby K in 2016.

Former nurse Lucy Letby has vehemently denied tampering with a premature baby's breathing tube in an attempt to murder the child, countering accusations that she was caught "virtually red-handed."

Letby, 34, is currently on trial at Manchester Crown Court for the alleged attempted murder of a baby known as "Baby K" while working as a neonatal nurse at the Countess of Chester Hospital in 2016. Letby was previously convicted last August for murdering seven babies and attempting to kill six more between July 2015 and June 2016. However, the jury in that trial was unable to reach a conclusion regarding the allegations concerning Baby K, necessitating a retrial.

Accused Killer Neonatal Nurse Lucy Letby on Trial for Alleged Murder Attempt on Baby K

Accused Killer Neonatal Nurse Lucy Letby on Trial for Alleged Murder Attempt on Baby K

According to details shared in Letby's first trial, she attacked infants by injecting insulin, milk, or air into their bodies, leading to their sudden deterioration. She was also accused of physically assaulting one baby, causing a liver injury equivalent to that of a road traffic collision. In total, 17 babies – all but one born prematurely – were either murdered or severely injured by Letby.

Prosecutors allege that Letby displaced Baby K's endotracheal tube less than two hours after the infant's birth on February 17, 2016. Letby, however, maintains that she "did nothing to harm [the baby]" and is "not guilty of what [she] was found guilty of."

Accused Killer Neonatal Nurse Lucy Letby on Trial for Alleged Murder Attempt on Baby K

Accused Killer Neonatal Nurse Lucy Letby on Trial for Alleged Murder Attempt on Baby K

Senior doctor Ravi Jayaram claims to have witnessed Letby standing idly by as Baby K's blood oxygen levels plummeted and alarms failed to sound, suggesting that she intentionally withheld life-saving assistance. In the hours that followed on the same shift, Letby allegedly attempted to interfere with the infant's replacement tubes on two additional occasions.

Letby asserts that it was hospital policy to observe and allow the baby to "self-correct" rather than intervening immediately in such situations. However, Elizabeth Morgan, a nursing advisory consultant, testified that it would "not be normal nursing policy" to adopt a wait-and-see approach when dealing with an extremely premature baby like Baby K, who weighed just over one pound at birth.

Accused Killer Neonatal Nurse Lucy Letby on Trial for Alleged Murder Attempt on Baby K

Accused Killer Neonatal Nurse Lucy Letby on Trial for Alleged Murder Attempt on Baby K

Prosecutor Nick Johnson questioned the applicability of the alleged policy to babies as fragile as Baby K and suggested that Letby may have been deliberately deceptive. Letby countered that Johnson's characterization was her opinion and that she was merely following the established policy.

Johnson further suggested that Letby's lack of specific recollection of Baby K was inconsistent with the reality of her alleged actions, pointing out that Letby had searched for the family's surname on Facebook years after the child's stay in the neonatal unit. Letby denied this accusation as well.

Accused Killer Neonatal Nurse Lucy Letby on Trial for Alleged Murder Attempt on Baby K

Accused Killer Neonatal Nurse Lucy Letby on Trial for Alleged Murder Attempt on Baby K

During cross-examination, Johnson directly asked Letby if she had attempted to kill Baby K and create the impression that the infant was prone to desaturating and dislodging her own breathing tube. Letby vehemently denied these allegations and strongly asserted that she did not murder any of the children she is accused of harming.

Baby K was eventually transferred to a specialist hospital due to her extreme prematurity, where she passed away three days later. The prosecution does not allege that Letby caused Baby K's death.

Accused Killer Neonatal Nurse Lucy Letby on Trial for Alleged Murder Attempt on Baby K

Accused Killer Neonatal Nurse Lucy Letby on Trial for Alleged Murder Attempt on Baby K

Letby's trial is expected to resume next Monday, where closing arguments will be presented by both the prosecution and defense attorneys. The jury will then begin deliberating on the evidence to determine Letby's guilt or innocence.

Accused Killer Neonatal Nurse Lucy Letby on Trial for Alleged Murder Attempt on Baby K
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