Adam Carolla's California Exodus: Leaving a State He Once Called Home

  • Alysa Gleason MD
  • June 26, 2024 08:03pm
  • 385

Comedian and podcast host Adam Carolla is joining the exodus from California, citing the state's "self-imposed" problems and unbearable conditions. He vows to leave once his children graduate high school, lamenting the state's socioeconomic decline and political gridlock.

Comedian and podcast host Adam Carolla is preparing to leave California, a state he once considered his home. During an appearance on "The Sage Steele Show," Carolla expressed his frustration with the Golden State's "horrible" living conditions and his decision to relocate once his children graduate high school.

Adam Carolla's California Exodus: Leaving a State He Once Called Home

Adam Carolla's California Exodus: Leaving a State He Once Called Home

Growing up in Los Angeles, Carolla described a time when leaving the city was unimaginable. However, the recent decline in living standards and political turmoil have made it clear to him that it's "time to move."

Carolla pointed to the state's "super avoidable" problems, such as homelessness, traffic congestion, and economic stagnation. He questioned the lack of decisive action to address these issues and wondered why it seemed necessary to reach a rock bottom before making changes.

Adam Carolla's California Exodus: Leaving a State He Once Called Home

Adam Carolla's California Exodus: Leaving a State He Once Called Home

The comedian criticized California's inability to "reverse course" and blamed the state's voters for re-electing Governor Gavin Newsom, who he described as a "sociopathic, narcissistic, empty bag." He also expressed his disapproval of Newsom's handling of issues such as traffic and homelessness.

Carolla highlighted the example of his late mother, who voted for Newsom despite his concerns. He attributed this to a dogmatic mindset that prevented voters from admitting mistakes and seeking alternative candidates.

Adam Carolla's California Exodus: Leaving a State He Once Called Home

Adam Carolla's California Exodus: Leaving a State He Once Called Home

The exodus from California has become prevalent, with conservatives and moderates relocating to states with lower taxes and more business-friendly policies. Carolla is considering moving to Texas, Florida, the Carolinas, or Tennessee, but emphasized that his departure is not a reflection of his desire to find a specific destination but rather a desperate attempt to escape California.

Carolla expressed his belief that California's problems are self-inflicted and criticized the state's leadership for failing to address them. He called for a course correction to improve the state's living conditions, but lamented that such a change seemed unlikely given the current political climate.

Adam Carolla's California Exodus: Leaving a State He Once Called Home

Adam Carolla's California Exodus: Leaving a State He Once Called Home

In conclusion, Adam Carolla's decision to leave California highlights the growing dissatisfaction and desperation among residents who feel the state is no longer a viable place to live. His departure serves as a testament to the state's decline and the need for significant changes to address its numerous challenges.

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