AI's Booming Workplace Use Raises Concerns and Cybersecurity Risks

  • Adrienne Von II
  • May 11, 2024 08:07pm
  • 114

Despite the widespread adoption of generative artificial intelligence (AI) tools in the workplace, a significant number of employees remain hesitant to disclose their use. New data reveals that AI use has nearly doubled in the past six months, with 75% of knowledge workers acknowledging its utilization. However, 52% are reluctant to admit using AI for critical tasks, citing concerns about appearing replaceable.

AI's Booming Workplace Use Raises Concerns and Cybersecurity Risks

The use of generative artificial intelligence (AI) tools in the workplace has skyrocketed, with 75% of knowledge workers worldwide acknowledging their use. This surge is largely attributed to the time-saving benefits, with 90% of users reporting increased efficiency. However, a striking revelation emerges: 52% of those who use AI in the workplace are reluctant to admit it for their most important tasks, and 53% fear that relying on AI makes them look replaceable.

AI's Booming Workplace Use Raises Concerns and Cybersecurity Risks

This reluctance is particularly concerning in light of the "bring-your-own-AI" (BYOAI) trend, where employees utilize their own AI tools at work. The study found that 78% of AI users bring their own tools, a trend that permeates across all generations of workers, from Gen Z to baby boomers.

The proliferation of BYOAI poses potential cybersecurity risks. The report highlights that the high percentage of workers using AI without disclosing its use "puts company data at risk in an environment where leaders’ No. 1 concern for the year ahead is cybersecurity and data privacy."

AI's Booming Workplace Use Raises Concerns and Cybersecurity Risks

Leah Cooper, chief digital officer at Sedgwick, emphasizes the need for employers to balance the integration of new technology with data security measures: "When they are not available in the workplace, employees might be tempted to expedite processes by using these tools, but it’s important to consider security as employers are under mandate to keep data safe."

She adds, "Employers are faced with the challenge of locking down access to the tools that could expose a company to a data breach, but also finding a way to bring new technology into the workplace."

AI's Booming Workplace Use Raises Concerns and Cybersecurity Risks

To address these concerns, companies must establish clear AI governance and security protocols while adapting to evolving regulations. This will help protect company data, minimize restrictions, and alleviate employee concerns about using AI tools.

The findings underscore the need for a multifaceted approach to AI adoption in the workplace. While embracing innovation, organizations must prioritize data security and implement robust governance frameworks.

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