Anti-Israel Protests Harm Palestinian Cause, Expert Warns

  • Frances Zulauf DDS
  • July 9, 2024 12:04pm
  • 297

Violent demonstrations targeting synagogues and Jewish communities amidst the Israel-Palestine conflict are alienating potential allies and undermining the Palestinian cause, according to a leading expert.

Violent anti-Israel demonstrations, often targeting synagogues and Jewish communities, are having the unintended effect of harming the Palestinian cause rather than advancing it, according to Adam Swart, CEO and founder of Crowds on Demand, a company specializing in organizing protests.

Swart contends that such chaotic and destructive behavior alienates potential allies, particularly left-leaning Jewish-Americans who often oppose Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu and his government's policies. These Americans are often sympathetic to the Palestinian plight but are turned off by confrontational tactics and violence.

Anti-Israel Protests Harm Palestinian Cause, Expert Warns

Anti-Israel Protests Harm Palestinian Cause, Expert Warns

"What you're seeing is something that does absolutely nothing for the Palestinian people," Swart told Fox News Digital. "They're alienating one of their potential major allies, which is left-leaning Jewish-Americans."

A recent incident outside the Adas Torah synagogue in Los Angeles exemplifies the negative consequences of violent protests. Demonstrators clashed with supporters of Israel, blocking access to the building and harassing those attempting to enter. The incident prompted President Biden to condemn threats against Jewish congregants and drew criticism from Los Angeles Mayor Karen Bass and the police department for failing to prevent the escalation.

Anti-Israel Protests Harm Palestinian Cause, Expert Warns

Anti-Israel Protests Harm Palestinian Cause, Expert Warns

While acknowledging the importance of free speech, Swart expressed concern about the police reluctance to arrest protesters, even when engaged in violent activities. He argued that law enforcement should strike a balance between protecting the right to protest and preventing lawlessness.

"The challenge is when that gets into being permissive of violent activity," Swart said. "The police are looking at it as a pro-Palestinian protest, so we have to treat it like a protest as opposed to a mob, a racist mob attacking passersby. As someone who organizes protests for a living, I hate to see this called a protest."

Anti-Israel Protests Harm Palestinian Cause, Expert Warns

Anti-Israel Protests Harm Palestinian Cause, Expert Warns

Amidst growing concerns about anti-Semitic incidents, U.S. Attorney General Merrick Garland announced that the Justice Department would investigate the weekend demonstration outside the Adas Torah synagogue. The agency is collecting evidence to determine whether any laws were violated.

Swart emphasized that violent or illegal actions by protesters actually harm the Palestinian cause by alienating potential supporters and partners. He argued that hard-nosed and confrontational tactics overshadow the legitimate grievances of the Palestinian people.

Anti-Israel Protests Harm Palestinian Cause, Expert Warns

Anti-Israel Protests Harm Palestinian Cause, Expert Warns

"This is no longer about Palestine," Swart said. "This is an excuse by ‘anarchistic mobs’ to commit violence and commit property destruction and somehow justify it behind the suffering of people 8,000 miles away who gain absolutely nothing from their actions."

Crowds on Demand has received requests to participate in protests related to the Israel-Palestinian conflict but has declined, citing a lack of constructive ways to get involved. The company respects the right to protest but prioritizes values such as making the United States and the world a better place.

Anti-Israel Protests Harm Palestinian Cause, Expert Warns

Anti-Israel Protests Harm Palestinian Cause, Expert Warns

"We're staying out of that issue for now because we don't see a constructive way to get involved," Swart said. "We've turned down other lucrative requests that don't align with our values."

Violent protests targeting Jewish communities and synagogues not only undermine the Palestinian cause but also harm the Jewish community. By embracing confrontational tactics and illegal actions, protesters alienate potential allies and reinforce negative stereotypes. It is crucial for both sides to engage in respectful dialogue and constructive actions to address the underlying issues and move towards a peaceful resolution of the conflict.

Anti-Israel Protests Harm Palestinian Cause, Expert Warns

Anti-Israel Protests Harm Palestinian Cause, Expert Warns

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