Anti-Semitism on the Rise in Hollywood as Violence Erupts near Synagogue

  • Lemuel Bernier
  • June 26, 2024 11:04pm
  • 286

Fears and concerns are mounting within Hollywood's Jewish community after a violent anti-Israel protest erupted outside a Los Angeles synagogue, leaving many feeling unsafe and calling for greater protection.

Hollywood's Jewish community is reeling from a violent anti-Israel protest that erupted outside a Los Angeles synagogue, leaving many residents with a heightened sense of fear and unease.

Anti-Semitism on the Rise in Hollywood as Violence Erupts near Synagogue

Anti-Semitism on the Rise in Hollywood as Violence Erupts near Synagogue

The incident occurred on Sunday when anti-Israel agitators clashed with supporters of Israel during a protest in front of the Adas Torah synagogue in the 9000 block of Pico Boulevard. Violence broke out, prompting swift condemnation from California leaders, but Jewish members of the entertainment industry expressed concerns that these measures were not enough to ensure their safety.

"Pulp Fiction" producer Lawrence Bender, a resident of the area, conveyed his horror at the events, stating that he had always felt safe and protected as a Jew in Los Angeles, especially Hollywood. However, he noted that the recent incident had dramatically altered his perception, underscoring the need for immediate action to address their safety concerns.

Anti-Semitism on the Rise in Hollywood as Violence Erupts near Synagogue

Anti-Semitism on the Rise in Hollywood as Violence Erupts near Synagogue

Other prominent figures in the Jewish community echoed Bender's sentiments. WME agent Robert Newman described the protest as "unspeakably horrifying and frightening," likening it to "Charlottesville every day." He expressed concern that violent anti-Israel mobs were feeling emboldened and justified in targeting Jews in various public spaces.

Criticisms were also directed at the local police response, with reports indicating only one arrest from the protest despite ongoing investigations. Many Jewish residents voiced their belief that they were being left to fend for themselves.

Anti-Semitism on the Rise in Hollywood as Violence Erupts near Synagogue

Anti-Semitism on the Rise in Hollywood as Violence Erupts near Synagogue

"There's a lot of talk over the past 12–15 hours about self-arming and doing our own neighborhood watch groups," one industry figure told Variety. "This industry has now been mobilized because we are so unified and we're such a powerful voting block."

The incident has raised concerns about a broader rise in anti-Semitism in Hollywood. Director Jonathan Jakubowicz, who had previously relocated to Los Angeles from Venezuela to escape antisemitism, expressed his apprehension about the situation and the possibility of leaving the city once again.

Anti-Semitism on the Rise in Hollywood as Violence Erupts near Synagogue

Anti-Semitism on the Rise in Hollywood as Violence Erupts near Synagogue

Jewish community members emphasized the need for greater support and protection from the authorities. "Tulsa King" consulting producer William Schmidt criticized the lack of action from Jewish entertainment professionals, calling for them to speak out against the violence and actively engage in the fight against anti-Semitism.

In response to the concerns raised, LAPD Captain Kelly Muniz assured the Jewish community that the department was committed to enhancing their relationship and addressing their safety concerns. However, many residents expressed skepticism, noting the insufficient police response to the recent protest.

The violence on Sunday serves as a reminder of the ongoing threat posed by anti-Semitism in California and beyond. Hollywood, once considered a safe haven for Jewish residents, is now facing the harsh reality of a growing anti-Israel movement and the need to confront its implications for the Jewish community.

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