Antisemitism Accusations Plague Los Angeles District Attorney's Office Amid Synagogue Standoff

  • Keira Larson
  • July 2, 2024 11:04am
  • 147

Deputy district attorneys in Los Angeles are voicing concerns about antisemitism in the office, citing silence from the district attorney over anti-Israel protests and a lack of promotions for Jewish prosecutors.

Violence erupted outside the Adas Torah synagogue in Los Angeles on Pico Boulevard, sparking condemnations from prominent Democrats. However, Los Angeles District Attorney George Gascon has remained notably silent on the matter, raising concerns among deputy district attorneys alleging antisemitism within the office.

Veteran prosecutor Brian Schirn, who heads the narcotics division, expressed his concerns, stating that he feels differently treated because of his Jewish identity. He cited Gascon's slow response to a terror attack on Israel, endorsements from groups accused of antisemitism, and the high proportion of Jewish plaintiffs in whistleblower retaliation lawsuits.

Antisemitism Accusations Plague Los Angeles District Attorney's Office Amid Synagogue Standoff

Antisemitism Accusations Plague Los Angeles District Attorney's Office Amid Synagogue Standoff

Other deputy district attorneys have echoed Schirn's concerns, alleging that Gascon has taken a more aggressive stance against pro-Israel counterprotesters than against the antisemitic mob that initiated the clashes. They also claim that Jewish prosecutors have been passed over for promotions, and that Gascon only addressed the Hamas attack after pressure from employees.

In a response to a petition from over 130 employees, Gascon did not explicitly address Hamas or antisemitism, but his office condemned all forms of hatred in a statement. However, deputy district attorneys argue that actions speak louder than words and that Gascon's actions have demonstrated a bias against them.

Antisemitism Accusations Plague Los Angeles District Attorney's Office Amid Synagogue Standoff

Antisemitism Accusations Plague Los Angeles District Attorney's Office Amid Synagogue Standoff

One deputy DA who was invited to join the office's Equity Action Team was removed after expressing concerns about antisemitism, while another alleges that Gascon dismissed allegations against anti-Israel protesters who camped out at UCLA.

Gascon's challenger in the upcoming election, Nathan Hochman, argues that Gascon's silence on antisemitic protests emboldens criminals and undermines the rule of law. He emphasizes that while certain speech may be protected by the First Amendment, illegal conduct, such as rioting and violence, must be met with prosecution.

Antisemitism Accusations Plague Los Angeles District Attorney's Office Amid Synagogue Standoff

Antisemitism Accusations Plague Los Angeles District Attorney's Office Amid Synagogue Standoff

Gascon's office has denied allegations of antisemitism and claimed to be working towards expanding the Equity Action Team. However, Hochman counters that unqualified personnel occupy the highest levels of the DA's office, including Gascon's No. 2, who has faced criticism for obstructing a field sobriety test, and his former No. 3, who is facing felony charges.

The ongoing accusations of antisemitism and the concerns raised by deputy district attorneys have cast a shadow over Gascon's tenure as Los Angeles District Attorney. The upcoming election will determine whether voters believe these allegations and whether they trust Gascon to effectively address the issue of antisemitism and ensure justice for all.

Antisemitism Accusations Plague Los Angeles District Attorney's Office Amid Synagogue Standoff

Antisemitism Accusations Plague Los Angeles District Attorney's Office Amid Synagogue Standoff

Antisemitism Accusations Plague Los Angeles District Attorney's Office Amid Synagogue StandoffAntisemitism Accusations Plague Los Angeles District Attorney's Office Amid Synagogue StandoffAntisemitism Accusations Plague Los Angeles District Attorney's Office Amid Synagogue StandoffAntisemitism Accusations Plague Los Angeles District Attorney's Office Amid Synagogue Standoff
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