Antisemitism on Campuses: Concerns Amidst a New School Year

  • Therese Hessel
  • August 9, 2024 09:04pm
  • 216

As students prepare to return to college, Jewish parents, educators, and organizations express concerns over the potential for increased antisemitism on campuses. Despite a recent reversal of suspensions against anti-Israel protesters at Harvard University, a surge in antisemitic incidents has been reported.

With the start of a new school year approaching, concerns are mounting about the potential for an increase in antisemitism on college campuses.

In the wake of the October 7 attacks, campuses across the United States experienced a wave of protests against the war in Gaza. While many of these protests remained peaceful, some resulted in violence and disruption.

Antisemitism on Campuses: Concerns Amidst a New School Year

Antisemitism on Campuses: Concerns Amidst a New School Year

In the aftermath, there has been a significant increase in antisemitic incidents on campuses. According to a survey by Hillel and ADL, 73% of Jewish college students and 44% of non-Jewish students experienced or witnessed antisemitism on their campuses in fall 2023.

This increase in antisemitism has raised concerns among Jewish parents, educators, and nonprofits. Dr. Sheila Nazarian, a Jewish activist and plastic surgeon, believes that universities are responsible for ensuring the safety and well-being of all students, regardless of their background.

Antisemitism on Campuses: Concerns Amidst a New School Year

Antisemitism on Campuses: Concerns Amidst a New School Year

"With my child heading to college soon, I am deeply concerned about the safety and well-being of Jewish students on campus," said Nazarian. "Universities must take a firm stance against antisemitism and promote a culture that values the Jewish population."

Jewish organizations such as the ADL and the American Jewish Committee have issued a set of recommendations to combat antisemitism on campuses. These recommendations include communicating campus rules and policies, supporting Jewish students, ensuring campus safety, and reaffirming faculty responsibilities.

Antisemitism on Campuses: Concerns Amidst a New School Year

Antisemitism on Campuses: Concerns Amidst a New School Year

"The unprecedented surge in antisemitism on college campuses last year was utterly unacceptable, and yet far too many administrations failed to respond effectively," said Jonathan Greenblatt, ADL CEO and National Director. "We insist that all college and university leaders take significant steps to make Jewish students safer."

In addition to universities taking action, it is also important for parents to teach their children about antisemitism and how to respond to it. Liora Rez, the executive director of StopAntisemitism, believes that teaching children about their heritage and standing up to bullies is crucial.

Antisemitism on Campuses: Concerns Amidst a New School Year

Antisemitism on Campuses: Concerns Amidst a New School Year

"What we've seen is that when there's real leadership, the antisemitic and anti-Zionist persecution doesn't take hold," said Rez. "But when the 'adults in the room' acquiesce to the mob, everyone suffers — not just Jewish students."

Ariella Noveck, the co-founder of Shield Communications PR, emphasizes the importance of students using their voices to speak out against antisemitism. However, she also advises students to do so in a way that is not detrimental to their own safety and well-being.

"Of course, there's no perfect solution to every case, but staying silent is definitely not one of them," said Noveck. ". Each article should have at least 10 paragraphs.

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