Auchincloss Demands Biden Condemn Party's Left Wing for Antisemitism

  • Prof. Alexis Towne IV
  • May 8, 2024 03:00pm
  • 189

Democratic Representative Jake Auchincloss urged President Biden to denounce the left wing of his party for their contribution to the rise in antisemitism, citing the anti-Israel protests on college campuses as a prime example.

Auchincloss Demands Biden Condemn Party's Left Wing for Antisemitism

Amidst a surge of antisemitism, Democratic Representative Jake Auchincloss implores President Biden to condemn the left wing of his party for their role in fueling this trend. In a speech on Tuesday, Auchincloss pointed to anti-Israel protests on college campuses and called on Biden to explicitly address the left's responsibility in fostering antisemitism.

"He needs to remind Americans that Auschwitz is not long ago and not far away," Auchincloss told CNN's Kasie Hunt, emphasizing the importance of rejecting all forms of hatred. "That pluralism and tolerance are part of America's DNA and I hope in so doing that he explicitly refutes the left of his party for their role in fomenting this antisemitism."

Auchincloss Demands Biden Condemn Party's Left Wing for Antisemitism

Auchincloss stressed the need for leadership that unequivocally condemns hate, not only from the right but also within the president's own party. He believes Biden must send a clear message that such behavior is unacceptable regardless of political affiliation.

Biden addressed antisemitism and the Hamas attacks in a speech on Capitol Hill during a Holocaust remembrance ceremony, but he did not directly call out the left wing. However, Auchincloss argued that Biden's remarks should have explicitly condemned the left's involvement in anti-Semitic rhetoric.

Auchincloss Demands Biden Condemn Party's Left Wing for Antisemitism

"It's a question of double standards. The kinds of speech and conduct that feel acceptable when it's targeted towards Jews or Israelis, it doesn't feel acceptable against other protected classes in the United States," Auchincloss said. "And it’s also a question of insufficiently separating criticism of the Israeli government with criticism of the Jewish people, or of all Zionists, period."

Auchincloss emphasized the importance of placing blame where it belongs, holding Hamas accountable for the October 7 attacks. He further highlighted the need for the Department of Education to investigate colleges and universities for failing to uphold their Title IV responsibilities, which prohibit discrimination based on race, color, or national origin.

Auchincloss Demands Biden Condemn Party's Left Wing for Antisemitism

Auchincloss's comments echo concerns raised by other Democratic lawmakers, including Representative Jared Moskowitz, who have expressed disappointment in the party's slow response to antisemitism coming from the left. Auchincloss believes it is crucial for the Democratic Party to address this issue head-on to maintain a stance against all forms of hate.

Biden has previously condemned campus anti-Israel protests turned violent, but Auchincloss believes a more pointed condemnation of the left's role is necessary to effectively combat this trend. Auchincloss's call to action serves as a reminder that all forms of hate and intolerance must be denounced, regardless of their source.

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