Back-to-School Blues: Anxiety and Stress Soar Among Children

  • Devyn Thiel DDS
  • September 4, 2024 02:04am
  • 362

The dawn of a new school year brings a wave of anxiety and stress for many children. Psychiatrist Dr. Samantha Boardman shares her insights on this issue and offers tips for parents to help their kids cope.

As children return to school, they may encounter a mix of excitement and anxiety. The transition from summer break to a structured academic environment can trigger feelings of stress and worry, especially after the disruptions caused by the COVID-19 pandemic.

Data from the American Psychological Association reveals a significant increase in anxiety among children over the past decade. In 2012, 11.6% of children reported experiencing anxiety. By 2020, that number had nearly doubled to 20.5%.

Back-to-School Blues: Anxiety and Stress Soar Among Children

Back-to-School Blues: Anxiety and Stress Soar Among Children

Dr. Samantha Boardman, a positive psychiatrist based in New York, believes that avoidance can exacerbate anxiety in children. "When we accommodate what children are anxious about, we're not helping them because the best antidote for anxiety is exposing them to what they're afraid of," she says.

Statistics from the National Center for Education Statistics indicate that 78% of public schools recorded excessive absences during the 2023-2024 school year. This surge in absenteeism may be linked to heightened levels of anxiety among students.

Back-to-School Blues: Anxiety and Stress Soar Among Children

Back-to-School Blues: Anxiety and Stress Soar Among Children

Technology, particularly smartphones, has also been implicated as a contributing factor to children's mental health concerns. A study by the Pew Research Center found that 44% of teenagers experience anxiety related to their phone use.

"Self-comparison is the thief of joy, and we see it especially in young girls," says Dr. Boardman. "They may feel anxious because they don't conform to certain unrealistic beauty or lifestyle standards."

Back-to-School Blues: Anxiety and Stress Soar Among Children

Back-to-School Blues: Anxiety and Stress Soar Among Children

Dr. Boardman advises parents to set limits around their children's phone usage. This includes restricting their use in schools, bedrooms, and during family meals. By promoting healthy sleep habits and prioritizing family time, parents can help mitigate the negative effects of technology on their children's mental well-being.

"Being human is a risk factor for anxiety," says Dr. Boardman. "We need to acknowledge that children experience these feelings and support them in finding constructive ways to cope."

Back-to-School Blues: Anxiety and Stress Soar Among Children

Back-to-School Blues: Anxiety and Stress Soar Among Children

Parents can help their children develop coping mechanisms by encouraging them to engage in activities that bring them joy and relaxation. This might include spending time with friends and family, playing sports, or pursuing hobbies.

It's crucial for parents to communicate with their children openly about their feelings. By listening attentively and providing support, parents can help children navigate the challenges of back-to-school anxiety.

If a child's anxiety persists or begins to interfere with their daily life, professional help may be necessary. Child psychologists and therapists can provide evidence-based treatments that address the underlying causes of anxiety and help children develop coping skills.

By working together, parents, educators, and mental health professionals can create a supportive environment that helps children thrive both academically and emotionally.

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