Bam Margera Sentenced to Probation for Assaulting Brother and Making Threats

  • Dr. Hulda Ondricka PhD
  • June 27, 2024 09:03pm
  • 319

Former "Jackass" star Bam Margera has pleaded guilty to disorderly conduct, receiving a six-month probation sentence for assaulting his brother and making threats to other family members in 2023.

Former "Jackass" star Bam Margera has been sentenced to six months of probation after pleading guilty to disorderly conduct charges stemming from an incident involving his brother and other family members last year.

In April 2023, authorities were called to Margera's Pocopson Township residence in Chester County, Pennsylvania, for a reported domestic disturbance. Margera allegedly punched his brother Jesse in the face, threatened to harm him if he called the police, and urinated in the kitchen sink.

Bam Margera Sentenced to Probation for Assaulting Brother and Making Threats

Bam Margera Sentenced to Probation for Assaulting Brother and Making Threats

A manhunt ensued for Margera, who turned himself in days later. At a court hearing following his surrender, Jesse testified that his brother had exhibited troubling behavior for two decades and had been awake for days prior to the altercation.

On Thursday, Margera pleaded guilty to two summary offenses. His defense attorney, William J. Brennan, said his client is now clean, sober, and productive a year after the arrest. "You can really say he won his case before today just by turning his life around," Brennan told reporters.

Bam Margera Sentenced to Probation for Assaulting Brother and Making Threats

Bam Margera Sentenced to Probation for Assaulting Brother and Making Threats

Margera also spoke with the media following the sentencing, admitting that the arrest had been a positive experience for him. "I would go on drinking benders and it was not good," he said. "It really helped and now that I've done this amount of time, I don't want to go back to that lifestyle."

Margera's father, Phil, and mother, April, expressed their support for their son. "We all love him and just want him to do great," April said. "He’s been through a lot in his life. He’s had a lot of access, and he’s had a lot of power, and it’s hard to come down from that."

Bam Margera Sentenced to Probation for Assaulting Brother and Making Threats

Bam Margera Sentenced to Probation for Assaulting Brother and Making Threats

Margera's probation terms include random drug testing, and a judge warned him that if he violates the conditions, he could face jail time. The sentence marks the latest chapter in Margera's ongoing struggles with substance abuse and mental health issues.

In recent years, Margera has faced a series of legal troubles, including an arrest for DUI in 2022 and a restraining order filed against him by his wife, Nikky Margera, in 2023.

Bam Margera Sentenced to Probation for Assaulting Brother and Making Threats

Bam Margera Sentenced to Probation for Assaulting Brother and Making Threats

Margera's attorney has previously stated that the former "Jackass" star is committed to getting his life back on track. "He understands that he has a problem, and he's willing to do whatever it takes to get better," Brennan said.

It remains to be seen whether Margera will be able to overcome his struggles and live a sober and productive life. However, the recent developments suggest that he is taking steps in the right direction.

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