Beloved ARPG King of Fighters ALLSTAR to End Service in 2024

  • Cierra Larkin
  • June 27, 2024 11:04pm
  • 131

King of Fighters ALLSTAR, the popular beat 'em up ARPG, has announced it will be closing service on October 30th, 2024. The announcement comes as a surprise, considering the game's strong performance over the past six years.

## Article:

Beloved ARPG King of Fighters ALLSTAR to End Service in 2024

Beloved ARPG King of Fighters ALLSTAR to End Service in 2024

King of Fighters ALLSTAR, the beloved beat 'em up ARPG, will be closing its doors on October 30th, 2024. The announcement was made on the official Netmarble forums, stating that in-game purchases have already been suspended.

The closure of King of Fighters ALLSTAR comes as a shock to many, as the game has been a mainstay in the mobile gaming scene for over six years. Based on the iconic King of Fighters franchise from SNK, the game featured an extensive roster of characters and collaborations with other popular fighting game franchises.

According to the developer's handbook announcement, the closure is attributed, in part, to the game running out of fighters to adapt. While this certainly plays a role, it is unlikely to be the sole reason for the game's demise.

The closure of King of Fighters ALLSTAR is part of a larger trend of long-running live-service mobile games being shut down. This highlights the challenges of maintaining these games, even in the face of mobile gaming's immense popularity.

Despite the disappointment, there are numerous other mobile games that can fill the void left by King of Fighters ALLSTAR. Our list of the best mobile games of 2024 (so far) features a wide range of top-notch titles across various genres.

While the official announcement cites a lack of new characters to adapt as a reason for the closure, there are likely other factors at play. The mobile gaming landscape is constantly evolving, and it is becoming increasingly difficult for long-running games to stay relevant.

Competition from newer titles, changes in player preferences, and the high costs of maintaining live-service games can all contribute to the decision to shut down a game. It is also possible that the game's revenue stream may have diminished over time, making it financially unsustainable to continue operations.

King of Fighters ALLSTAR has left a lasting legacy on the mobile gaming scene. Its innovative gameplay, extensive character roster, and numerous collaborations made it a fan favorite. The game's closure will be a sad loss for the gaming community, but it will undoubtedly be remembered fondly by its dedicated players.

If you are looking for a new mobile game to replace King of Fighters ALLSTAR, there are a number of excellent options available. Check out our lists of the best mobile games of 2024 (so far) and the top five new mobile games you need to try this week for some inspiration.

These lists feature a diverse selection of games from various genres, including other beat 'em ups, action RPGs, and strategy games. Rest assured, you will find something to keep you entertained and engaged after the closure of King of Fighters ALLSTAR.

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