Beshear Denies Wishing Harm on Vance, Defends Controversial Rape Comment

  • Moises Sauer
  • August 24, 2024 02:04pm
  • 376

Kentucky Governor Andy Beshear has defended his suggestion that GOP vice-presidential nominee JD Vance should experience a rape-induced abortion to understand the need for reproductive rights, claiming that the criticism of his comments was a mere "deflection."

Kentucky Governor Andy Beshear has defended his controversial comments about GOP vice-presidential nominee JD Vance, denying that he wished harm upon Vance and claiming that Vance's criticism was an attempt to "deflect" from the scrutiny over his own abortion comments.

Speaking on MSNBC's "Andrea Mitchell Reports," Beshear clarified that he would never wish harm on anyone and that his suggestion for Vance to "go through" a pregnancy resulting from rape was not meant to be a literal expression of violence but rather a figurative way of conveying the need for empathy and understanding of women's experiences.

Beshear Denies Wishing Harm on Vance, Defends Controversial Rape Comment

Beshear Denies Wishing Harm on Vance, Defends Controversial Rape Comment

"Obviously, I'd never wish harm on anyone. It's just – again, deflection. Trying to make himself and Donald Trump the victims," Beshear said.

Vance had previously called Beshear a "disgusting person" for his comments, which sparked widespread criticism and accusations of insensitivity and misogyny.

Beshear Denies Wishing Harm on Vance, Defends Controversial Rape Comment

Beshear Denies Wishing Harm on Vance, Defends Controversial Rape Comment

However, Beshear maintained that his remarks were not intended to cause offense but rather to highlight the dangers of anti-abortion policies supported by Vance and the Republican party.

"JD Vance knows that he and Donald Trump are so wrong on this issue, so he's trying to make himself a victim," Beshear said.

Beshear Denies Wishing Harm on Vance, Defends Controversial Rape Comment

Beshear Denies Wishing Harm on Vance, Defends Controversial Rape Comment

Beshear's comments had been prompted by Vance's 2021 interview in which he explained his personal dilemma with abortion exceptions in cases of rape, stating that he understood the "trauma" of the experience but also believed that society should not view pregnancies resulting from such circumstances as "inconvenient."

Beshear argued that Vance's remarks demonstrated a lack of understanding of the trauma and pain that women who have been victims of rape face, emphasizing that abortion rights are essential for protecting women's health and bodily autonomy.

Beshear Denies Wishing Harm on Vance, Defends Controversial Rape Comment

Beshear Denies Wishing Harm on Vance, Defends Controversial Rape Comment

"Obviously, I'd never wish harm on anyone. It's just – again, deflection. Trying to make himself and Donald Trump the victims," Beshear said.

Beshear referred to the testimonies of three women who spoke during the Democratic National Convention about their traumatic pregnancy experiences, highlighting their experiences as victims of anti-abortion policies.

"Obviously, I'd never wish harm on anyone. It's just – again, deflection. Trying to make himself and Donald Trump the victims," Beshear said.

Abortion rights have been a central theme of the Democratic National Convention, with speakers emphasizing the importance of protecting reproductive freedom and condemning efforts to restrict access to abortion services.

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