Beyond the Mocking: Liberals Urged to Empathize with Trump Supporters

  • Eloy Lind
  • September 1, 2024 02:03am
  • 118

New York Times columnist Nicholas Kristof implores fellow liberals to relinquish their tendency to demonize former President Trump's supporters, arguing that empathy is the key to building bridges and winning elections.

In a compelling New York Times op-ed, Nicholas Kristof has issued a clarion call to liberals, urging them to break free from the impulse to demonize Trump supporters. This shift in perspective, Kristof argues, is not only morally imperative but also strategically beneficial in the quest for electoral success and social harmony.

Kristof acknowledges that Democrats have often resorted to vilifying Trump voters since 2016, but he contends that this approach is both ineffective and morally bankrupt. Instead, he implores liberals to recognize the legitimate grievances and pain that many Trump supporters feel.

Beyond the Mocking: Liberals Urged to Empathize with Trump Supporters

Beyond the Mocking: Liberals Urged to Empathize with Trump Supporters

"It has seemed to me morally offensive, particularly when well-educated and successful elites are scorning disadvantaged, working-class Americans who have been left behind economically and socially and in many cases are dying young," Kristof writes.

He cites the example of one of his Trump-supporting friends, a good and generous woman who turned to the former president for solace after losing her job and falling into homelessness and addiction. When liberals mock her faith or dismiss her as "deplorable," Kristof argues, they only reinforce her bond with Trump.

Beyond the Mocking: Liberals Urged to Empathize with Trump Supporters

Beyond the Mocking: Liberals Urged to Empathize with Trump Supporters

Another example he offers is a woman who cuts his hair, who is struggling under the weight of rising food prices. Despite her cynicism about politics, she distrusts Trump and views him as a bully. However, Kristof believes that instead of berating her, Democrats should focus on addressing her concerns and working to improve her life.

Kristof points to the devastating toll that drug overdoses, alcohol addiction, and suicide have taken on blue-collar communities, highlighting the lack of attention these epidemics have received compared to the response to the September 11 attacks. This neglect, he argues, has contributed to the social unraveling and anger that many Trump supporters feel.

Beyond the Mocking: Liberals Urged to Empathize with Trump Supporters

Beyond the Mocking: Liberals Urged to Empathize with Trump Supporters

Furthermore, Kristof suggests that Democrats have sometimes betrayed a whiff of condescension toward working-class voters, particularly those of faith. This attitude, he believes, has alienated potential allies and damaged the party's reputation.

To win elections and bridge political divides, Kristof believes that liberals must first listen to the perspectives of Trump supporters. He warns that hurling invective will only further polarize the electorate, while empathy and understanding can open the door to dialogue and possible common ground.

"For the sake of winning elections as well as of civility, remember that the best way to get others to listen to us is to first listen to them," Kristof concludes.

Kristof's plea for empathy is a timely and important one. By embracing a more compassionate and inclusive approach, liberals can potentially expand their base of support, reduce social tensions, and create the conditions for a more productive political discourse.

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