Biden Accuses Trump of Threatening Peaceful Protesters with Tear Gas

  • Sasha Armstrong
  • May 30, 2024 11:04pm
  • 322

President Biden asserted that his predecessor, Donald Trump, planned to unleash tear gas on peaceful demonstrators protesting the death of George Floyd during a rally in Philadelphia.

Biden Accuses Trump of Threatening Peaceful Protesters with Tear Gas

President Joe Biden addressed a gathering of Black voters in Philadelphia on Wednesday, leveling accusations against former President Donald Trump's handling of the George Floyd protests. Biden claimed that Trump intended to employ tear gas to disperse demonstrators who were exercising their Constitutional right to peacefully protest.

"He said there were very fine people on both sides," Biden remarked, referring to Trump's infamous comments about the Charlottesville white supremacist rally in 2017. "Well, I tell you what, if he had his way, there would've been a lot more fine people on one side."

Biden Accuses Trump of Threatening Peaceful Protesters with Tear Gas

Biden's statement drew a sharp contrast to Trump's own words, captured in audio recordings leaked to The Atlantic magazine. In these recordings, Trump reportedly discussed using tear gas and rubber bullets to quell the unrest that erupted after Floyd's murder.

The Biden campaign's criticism of media outlets MSNBC and CNN for overlooking the Philadelphia rally echoed the administration's frustration with perceived imbalances in coverage. The campaign argued that while the media dedicated ample airtime to Trump's criminal trial in New York, they neglected to report on Biden's engagement with Black voters.

Biden Accuses Trump of Threatening Peaceful Protesters with Tear Gas

"The President just spoke to approximately 1,000 mostly Black voters in Philly about the massive stakes in this election," Biden campaign spokesperson TJ Ducklo tweeted. "But MSNBC, CNN, and others did not show it."

Ducklo's tweet sparked discussions online, with some questioning the Biden campaign's logic in drawing attention away from Trump's trial. Columnist Eddie Scarry joked, "LOL Biden team went from 'get his a--, media, he's a criminal!' to 'why are you worried about this criminal?'"

Despite the media's focus on the Trump trial, Biden emphasized the significance of the upcoming election, particularly for conservatives who cherish their 6-3 majority on the Supreme Court and progressives who oppose rulings that have eroded abortion and gun rights.

"If we're able to change some of the justices when they retire and put in really progressive judges... tell me that won't change your life," Biden told his audience.

The campaign's condemnation of the media's coverage highlights its concerns about reaching Black voters, a crucial demographic in the upcoming election. The campaign believes that the media's emphasis on Trump's trial has overshadowed the Biden administration's efforts to address issues that disproportionately affect Black Americans.

As the election draws closer, the battle for media attention will likely intensify, with each side seeking to sway public opinion in its favor. The Biden campaign's strategy of criticizing media coverage that it perceives as biased will be a key factor in shaping the narrative leading up to the vote.

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