Biden Administration Accused of Unjust Targeting of Largest Christian University in the Nation

  • Mrs. Florence Bauch MD
  • May 18, 2024 03:01pm
  • 260

Grand Canyon University President Brian Mueller alleges the university is being targeted by the Department of Education, prompting calls for an investigation by Republican lawmakers.

Biden Administration Accused of Unjust Targeting of Largest Christian University in the Nation

Grand Canyon University (GCU), the nation's largest Christian university, has raised concerns about being unfairly targeted by federal agencies, particularly the Biden administration. GCU President Brian Mueller expressed his belief to FOX News Digital that the university is facing unwarranted scrutiny.

Republican lawmakers have joined in the criticism, urging the Department of Education's Office of Inspector General (OIG) to review the administration's conduct towards GCU. In a letter to OIG, Representatives Andy Biggs, Paul Gosar, Eli Crane, and Debbie Lesko expressed concern over the "politically motivated actions" against the university.

Biden Administration Accused of Unjust Targeting of Largest Christian University in the Nation

The lawmakers allege that the Biden administration is weaponizing the federal government against GCU due to its religious affiliation. They cite the administration's decision to levy a record fine of $37.7 million against GCU over allegations of misleading students about the cost of its doctoral programs. GCU is currently appealing the fine.

The Department of Education has launched several investigations into GCU and other universities for potential violations of Title VI of the Civil Rights Act. However, the Republican lawmakers argue that the department is ignoring more pressing issues within higher education, such as the proliferation of anti-Israel protests on college campuses.

Biden Administration Accused of Unjust Targeting of Largest Christian University in the Nation

During a House Appropriations Committee hearing, Representative Rosa DeLauro referred to GCU as a "predatory for-profit school." In response, Education Secretary Miguel Cardona indicated that the administration is focused on "cracking down" on schools that prey on students.

GCU rejects the allegations and maintains that it has been transparent about its costs. The university has also been supported by the Internal Revenue Service, the Higher Learning Commission, and the State of Arizona in its 2018 conversion from for-profit to non-profit status.

Biden Administration Accused of Unjust Targeting of Largest Christian University in the Nation

Representative Lesko denounced the administration's actions as "un-American and unconstitutional." The Goldwater Institute has also sued the Department of Education for refusing to release public records related to the GCU fine, suggesting potential coordination between federal agencies in targeting the university.

Conservative groups like the American Principles Project and Ashland University have expressed concerns about the Biden administration's actions against Christian colleges. Ashland University has filed a lawsuit against the Department of Education over a $6 million penalty imposed for its handling of federal student aid for incarcerated students.

The Department of Education has not responded to requests for comment, and the OIG has declined to initiate an investigation due to ongoing litigation. The allegations of unjust targeting have raised questions about the Biden administration's motives and its commitment to religious freedom.

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