Biden Administration's "Immaturity" Deplored by Mother of Murdered Victim

  • Dr. Veda Doyle
  • June 22, 2024 09:04pm
  • 333

Patty Morin, whose daughter Rachel was allegedly killed by an illegal immigrant, lambasts the Biden administration for its cold and impersonal response to her daughter's tragic death.

The Biden administration has come under fire for its handling of the murder of Rachel Morin, a Maryland mother of five who was allegedly killed by an illegal immigrant. In an appearance on "The Ingraham Angle," Rachel's mother, Patty Morin, expressed her disappointment and frustration with the administration's response, particularly that of Homeland Security Secretary Alejandro Mayorkas.

Morin took issue with Mayorkas's failure to utter her daughter's name during an interview with CNN. Instead, Mayorkas referred to Rachel as "the individual who was murdered, the woman, the mother." Morin condemned his statement as "a completely political statement," arguing that it dehumanized her daughter and reduced her to a mere statistic.

Biden Administration's

Biden Administration's "Immaturity" Deplored by Mother of Murdered Victim

"He was not even willing to acknowledge that (Rachel) was a female, that she was a mother (and) a daughter," Morin said. "It totally depersonalizes her and makes her an object."

Morin conveyed her message to the Biden administration that those targeted by criminal migrants are "American citizens" and the "backbone" of the country. She emphasized that Americans are the ones who strengthen the nation, support its economy, and care for its families.

Biden Administration's

Biden Administration's "Immaturity" Deplored by Mother of Murdered Victim

"To not even acknowledge that my daughter is a person or, that she's a female or that she's a mother, like to categorize her as a statistic. It's just it just shows how impersonal that they are … how they don't value life," Morin lamented.

Morin expressed her desire for her daughter not to become a political pawn. She emphasized that her family feels Rachel's loss every single day and that the void in their family is immeasurable.

Biden Administration's

Biden Administration's "Immaturity" Deplored by Mother of Murdered Victim

"We're constantly reminded of Rachel, and it just makes you feel so sad because there's such a hole in our family," she said.

In response, the White House issued a statement offering condolences to Rachel Morin's loved ones but declined to specify any actions it would take to secure the border. Former President Trump reached out to Patty Morin and offered his condolences and support, expressing his concern for her well-being.

This incident highlights the deep divisions and emotional toll associated with the issue of illegal immigration in the United States. The Biden administration's handling of this case has drawn criticism from some who believe the administration is not taking the issue seriously or treating the victims with the dignity they deserve.

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