Biden Blasts Democratic "Elites" Demanding His Retirement

  • Mr. Eriberto Pagac IV
  • July 10, 2024 07:04pm
  • 286

President Biden has lashed out at "elites" within his own party who are pressuring him to step aside from the 2024 presidential race, dismissing their concerns as out of touch with the views of the American people.

During a phone interview on MSNBC's "Morning Joe," President Biden expressed his frustration with Democrats who have been openly calling for him to withdraw from the race. Biden challenged his critics to "run against [him]" if they believed he shouldn't seek reelection.

"I’m getting so frustrated by the elites," he said. "Now I’m not talking about you guys, but by the elites in the party who — they know so much more. If any of these guys don’t think I should run, run against me. Go ahead, announce for president. Challenge me at the convention."

Biden Blasts Democratic

Biden Blasts Democratic "Elites" Demanding His Retirement

Liberal media outlets such as The New York Times and The Boston Globe have published opinion pieces urging Biden to step down, citing concerns about his age, health, and debate performance. Additionally, prominent Democrats like Tim Ryan, James Carville, and David Axelrod have publicly expressed doubts about Biden's ability to defeat former President Trump in 2024.

Biden dismissed these criticisms as "wrong" and argued that the "elites" had underestimated his support among the American public. "They were wrong in 2020! They were wrong in 2022 about the red wave! They’re wrong in 2024! Come out with me, watch people react. You make a judgment!" he said.

Biden Blasts Democratic

Biden Blasts Democratic "Elites" Demanding His Retirement

However, some observers have expressed skepticism about Biden's rhetoric. NBC's Chuck Todd noted that Biden had faced no serious primary challenger and argued that it was the "elites" who had protected him by refraining from publicly criticizing him.

"Biden’s anger at ‘elites’ is a bit misplaced," Todd wrote. "Without the ‘elites,’ he would have had a serious primary foe. Without the ‘elites,’ the No Labels effort would have a compelling ticket. Arguably, it’s the 'elites' who put too much faith in Biden that got the Dems in this position."

Biden Blasts Democratic

Biden Blasts Democratic "Elites" Demanding His Retirement

Biden's overtures to the party base by casting his critics as out of touch is a political ploy, according to Politico's Jonathan Martin. "It’s a playbook Biden has turned to in the past, portraying his detractors as mostly elite white liberals who are out of step with the more diverse and working-class grassroots of the party," Martin wrote.

Fox News contributor Joe Concha dismissed Biden's populist rhetoric as "ironic," given his long career as a politician. "Beyond ironic that the career politician … is trying to position himself like Trump as a populist fighting against the swamp," he said.

Biden Blasts Democratic

Biden Blasts Democratic "Elites" Demanding His Retirement

Despite the criticism from the media and Democratic elites, Biden has received support from the host of "Morning Joe," Joe Scarborough and Mika Brzezinski. Scarborough suggested that Biden could credibly argue that he is fighting against "media elites" who are trying to prevent him from running for reelection.

"This is an indication of a growing divide within the Democratic Party," a White House spokesman told Fox News Digital. "President Biden remains confident in his ability to win reelection and believes that the American people are with him."

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