Biden Campaign Caught Orchestrating Interviews, Sending Pre-Approved Questions to Journalists

  • Bradley McLaughlin
  • July 8, 2024 02:03am
  • 342

New revelations have emerged that the Biden campaign has been sending pre-approved questions to journalists ahead of their interviews with the president, raising concerns about media collusion and the president's cognitive abilities.

The Biden administration's practice of providing pre-arranged questions to journalists for interviews with the president has come under intense scrutiny, with critics alleging a pattern of collusion and manipulation of the media.

Philadelphia radio host Andrea Lawful-Sanders recently disclosed that the Biden campaign sent her eight questions ahead of her interview with the president on July 3. She further stated that she only approved four of those questions for use during the interview.

Biden Campaign Caught Orchestrating Interviews, Sending Pre-Approved Questions to Journalists

Biden Campaign Caught Orchestrating Interviews, Sending Pre-Approved Questions to Journalists

Milwaukee radio host Earl Ingram also admitted to receiving questions from the Biden team prior to his sit-down with the president days after the presidential debate. This admission adds to growing concerns about the administration's efforts to control the narrative and limit unscripted exchanges with the press.

The issue of pre-approved questions has been a recurring theme throughout Biden's presidency. On several occasions, Biden has appeared at press conferences with a list of reporters he was instructed to call on, sparking accusations of orchestration and censorship.

Biden Campaign Caught Orchestrating Interviews, Sending Pre-Approved Questions to Journalists

Biden Campaign Caught Orchestrating Interviews, Sending Pre-Approved Questions to Journalists

In August 2021, Biden drew criticism for explicitly stating during a press conference that he had been given a list of reporters to call on. This incident raised questions about who was truly in control of the president's interactions with the media.

A similar incident occurred during a press conference in Geneva two months prior, where Biden acknowledged receiving a list of reporters to call on for questions. This admission also generated widespread backlash online.

Biden Campaign Caught Orchestrating Interviews, Sending Pre-Approved Questions to Journalists

Biden Campaign Caught Orchestrating Interviews, Sending Pre-Approved Questions to Journalists

In March 2021, Fox News White House correspondent Peter Doocy confronted then-White House press secretary Jen Psaki about Biden's alleged use of a list during his first press conference as president. Doocy noted that Fox News had been consistently excluded from the list, prompting questions about the administration's media bias.

Psaki deflected the question, arguing that the president had taken questions from Fox News in other settings. However, the pattern of pre-arranged questions has raised concerns about the White House's attempts to control the flow of information and limit access to unscripted exchanges.

Biden Campaign Caught Orchestrating Interviews, Sending Pre-Approved Questions to Journalists

Biden Campaign Caught Orchestrating Interviews, Sending Pre-Approved Questions to Journalists

Biden's interview protocol came under further scrutiny when former ESPN journalist Sage Steele alleged that she was forced by network executives to conduct a scripted interview with the president in 2021. Steele claimed that she was told to ask specific questions verbatim and refrain from any follow-ups.

ESPN did not respond to Fox News Digital about Steele's allegations at the time. However, her account adds to the growing evidence of the administration's efforts to control the president's interactions with the media.

The Biden campaign has defended the practice of sending pre-made questions to journalists, arguing that it is not uncommon for interviewees to share topics they would prefer to discuss. The campaign spokesperson emphasized that hosts are free to ask any questions they choose, regardless of whether they are approved by the campaign.

However, critics maintain that the administration's actions fit a broader pattern of controlling the media narrative and limiting unscripted exchanges with the president. They argue that these practices undermine the credibility of the media and raise concerns about the transparency of Biden's presidency.

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