Biden Debate Performance Raises Concerns, Sparks Calls for Him to Step Aside

  • Kristian Kihn I
  • June 30, 2024 05:04am
  • 353

Following a widely criticized performance in the first presidential debate of the 2024 campaign, prominent figures in the media have expressed concerns about President Biden's age and fitness for office, suggesting that he may not be the best choice for the Democratic nomination.

The first debate of the 2024 presidential campaign proved to be a disappointment for President Biden, with his halting, unsure, and raspy performance raising questions about his ability to serve a second term. The media reacted swiftly, offering a series of scathing assessments that have sparked calls for Biden to withdraw from the race.

MSNBC's Joy Reid characterized the mood among Obamaworld and Bidenworld figures as "approaching panic," with many expressing concerns about Biden's feeble appearance and lack of ability to reassure the party heading into November. Fellow MSNBC host Alex Wagner described the performance as a "disaster," noting that Biden failed to dispel the notion of him being too old for the job.

Biden Debate Performance Raises Concerns, Sparks Calls for Him to Step Aside

Biden Debate Performance Raises Concerns, Sparks Calls for Him to Step Aside

CNN political commentator and former Obama adviser Van Jones, visibly emotional after the debate, stated that Biden failed to meet the expectations of restoring confidence in his base, causing "a lot of people who are going to want to see him consider taking a different course now."

CNN's Anderson Cooper aired his reservations about Biden's performance directly to Vice President Kamala Harris, questioning whether she was concerned about his ability to lead the nation. Harris deflected the criticism, but Cooper pressed further, highlighting Biden's diminished presence compared to four years ago.

Biden Debate Performance Raises Concerns, Sparks Calls for Him to Step Aside

Biden Debate Performance Raises Concerns, Sparks Calls for Him to Step Aside

The once-prominent Drudge Report banner screamed "OPERATION: REPLACE BIDEN," reflecting the Democratic Party's mounting concerns about the president's viability. The site ran a poll asking who would be the best Democrat to replace him, including Hillary Clinton, Gavin Newsom, Gretchen Whitmer, Kamala Harris, and "Other."

Liberal columnist Thomas Friedman, a close friend of Biden, penned a somber piece in The New York Times, calling for the president to withdraw from the race due to his diminished capacity. He wrote, "Joe Biden, a good man and a good president, has no business running for re-election." Later, the editorial board of The New York Times echoed Friedman's sentiments, stating, "Mr. Biden has been an admirable president... But the greatest public service Mr. Biden can now perform is to announce that he will not continue to run for re-election."

Biden Debate Performance Raises Concerns, Sparks Calls for Him to Step Aside

Biden Debate Performance Raises Concerns, Sparks Calls for Him to Step Aside

MSNBC's Joe Scarborough, while expressing love for Biden, raised questions about his fitness for office based on his performance. He asked, "If he were CEO and he turned in a performance like that, would any corporation in America, any Fortune 500 corporation in America keep him on as CEO?"

Former Democratic Missouri Senator and MSNBC political analyst Claire McCaskill admitted that Biden "failed" to prove his fitness for office. She said, "I'm not the only one whose heart is breaking right now. Joe Biden had one thing he had to do tonight and he didn't do it."

Biden Debate Performance Raises Concerns, Sparks Calls for Him to Step Aside

Biden Debate Performance Raises Concerns, Sparks Calls for Him to Step Aside

On ABC's "The View," several anti-Trump pundits called for Biden to withdraw from the race, including Sunny Hostin, Sara Haines, and Alyssa Farah Griffin. Hostin remarked, "most of us are mourning," while Haines bluntly stated that Biden should step down and be replaced to defeat Donald Trump in November.

Washington Post columnist David Ignatius questioned Biden's ability to see the truth and make the necessary decision to step aside. He wrote, "It was obvious nearly a year ago that President Biden shouldn’t run for a second term... Yet Biden and his inner circle persisted."

Biden Debate Performance Raises Concerns, Sparks Calls for Him to Step Aside

Biden Debate Performance Raises Concerns, Sparks Calls for Him to Step Aside

The media's negative reaction to Biden's debate performance has fueled a growing chorus of voices within the Democratic Party calling for alternative candidates to lead the party into the 2024 election. The president's age, diminished cognitive abilities, and inability to effectively respond to Trump's attacks have raised serious questions about his ability to serve another term.

Biden Debate Performance Raises Concerns, Sparks Calls for Him to Step AsideBiden Debate Performance Raises Concerns, Sparks Calls for Him to Step Aside
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