Biden Excludes Seventh Grandchild from White House Event, Spark Family Discord

  • Barrett Kautzer
  • July 2, 2024 10:04pm
  • 128

President Biden fails to acknowledge his granddaughter, Navy Joan Roberts, during an event at the White House, raising concerns about family dynamics. The mother of the child, Lunden Roberts, expresses disappointment and questions the lack of recognition.

Amidst the fanfare of Women's History Month events at the White House, a poignant and poignant issue unfolded, casting a shadow over the festivities. President Joe Biden, known for his close family ties, neglected to acknowledge his seventh grandchild, Navy Joan Roberts, who was notably absent from the gathering.

This conspicuous exclusion has ignited a wave of questions and concerns, sparking a larger discussion about family dynamics and the importance of inclusivity. Navy's mother, Lunden Roberts, has spoken out about her bewilderment and disappointment, expressing a desire to understand why her daughter has been left out of the Biden family fold.

Biden Excludes Seventh Grandchild from White House Event, Spark Family Discord

Biden Excludes Seventh Grandchild from White House Event, Spark Family Discord

In an interview on Meghan McCain's podcast, "Citizen McCain," Roberts described the pain of watching her child experience rejection from her paternal family. She recalled an incident involving a children's book written by Jill Biden, "Joey," which was dedicated to the grandchildren but excluded Navy's name.

"It's hard when your heart breaks," Roberts said. "But it's harder when your heart's breaking for your child."

Biden Excludes Seventh Grandchild from White House Event, Spark Family Discord

Biden Excludes Seventh Grandchild from White House Event, Spark Family Discord

Roberts highlighted Hunter Biden's struggles with addiction and his history of absenteeism during her pregnancy. She emphasized that with Hunter now sober, her plea is for him to embrace Navy and foster a meaningful relationship.

The White House has not publicly commented on the situation, and Hunter Biden has declined to make any statements. However, in July 2023, following mounting backlash, Biden acknowledged Navy's existence in a statement to Fox News Digital, asserting that he and his son were working to build a relationship that was in Navy's best interests.

Biden Excludes Seventh Grandchild from White House Event, Spark Family Discord

Biden Excludes Seventh Grandchild from White House Event, Spark Family Discord

Despite this acknowledgement, Roberts remains skeptical and believes that Navy is still being treated as an outsider. She told McCain that she will not make excuses for Hunter's absence and that her daughter deserves answers.

Roberts also expressed concern about the impact this situation will have on Navy's emotional well-being in the future. She questioned the availability of therapeutic support for children who experience such public rejection from their family.

New York Times columnist Maureen Dowd echoed Roberts' sentiments in a column published in July 2023. Dowd rebuked Biden for his cold treatment of his grandchild, suggesting that it undermined the empathy that has been a cornerstone of his political persona.

"It is the heart of his political narrative. Empathy, born of family tragedies, has been his stock in trade. Callously scarring Navy’s life, just as it gets started, undercuts that," Dowd wrote.

The exclusion of Navy Joan Roberts from White House events and the lack of acknowledgement from her paternal family remain issues that continue to ignite debate and raise questions about the dynamics of power and the importance of inclusivity within families.

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