Biden Faces Trouble with Young Voters as Support Wanes

  • Cassandra Grant
  • May 31, 2024 03:03am
  • 365

A new poll shows President Biden losing support among younger voters, a key voting bloc for Democrats.

Biden Faces Trouble with Young Voters as Support Wanes

President Biden is facing a growing challenge in his bid for re-election, as a new poll suggests his support among younger voters is waning. The NPR/PBS NewsHour/Marist National Poll, released Thursday, shows Biden narrowly leading former President Donald Trump by only 1 percentage point among likely voters in the presidential election this autumn.

The poll is the latest to indicate a weakening of support for Biden among younger voters, who were a key part of his victory in 2020. Biden won voters under 45 by more than 20 percentage points four years ago, but the new poll shows him edging Trump by just 4 points among this age group. Among voters aged 18-29, Biden's lead is a mere 6 points.

Biden Faces Trouble with Young Voters as Support Wanes

Several factors are contributing to Biden's declining support among younger voters. One key issue is the rising cost of living, which is a major concern for many young people. The poll shows that less than a quarter of younger voters approve of Biden's handling of the economy.

Another factor is Biden's age. At 81, he is the oldest president in American history, and some younger voters may be looking for a younger and more energetic candidate. Trump, on the other hand, has an above-water 49%-42% favorable/unfavorable rating among younger voters.

Biden Faces Trouble with Young Voters as Support Wanes

While Biden has launched initiatives to appeal to younger voters, such as Students for Biden-Harris, he faces an uphill battle in regaining their support. Only 54% of Generation Z and millennials questioned in the Marist Poll said they've definitely made up their minds regarding whom they'll vote for in the presidential election.

The poll also indicates that Trump has made major gains among young male voters. "Democrats have lost significant ground with young men," the poll's release highlighted. This trend could be particularly troubling for Biden, as young men were a key part of his victory in 2020.

Biden Faces Trouble with Young Voters as Support Wanes

Biden's declining support among younger voters is a major concern for Democrats, as they typically vote in lower numbers than older voters. If Biden cannot reverse this trend, he could face a difficult path to re-election.

The Marist Poll for NPR and PBS NewsHour was conducted May 21-23, with 1,122 registered voters nationwide. The survey's overall sampling error is plus or minus 3.7 percentage points.

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