Biden’s 25th Amendment Dilemma: How Could the President Be Removed?

  • Ruby Ruecker
  • June 30, 2024 04:03am
  • 122

With President Biden facing scrutiny for his cognitive abilities, the question of presidential succession under the 25th Amendment looms. Understanding the mechanisms and potential implications becomes crucial.

The 25th Amendment to the United States Constitution outlines the presidential line of succession in the event of death, resignation, or removal from office. Amidst concerns over President Biden's fitness, it's essential to delve into the constitutional provisions and their possible implications.

Section 1 of the Amendment states that the Vice President (currently Kamala Harris) will become President if the incumbent dies, resigns, or is removed from office. This provision has come into play twice before, when Vice Presidents Lyndon Johnson and Gerald Ford assumed the presidency.

Biden’s 25th Amendment Dilemma: How Could the President Be Removed?

Biden’s 25th Amendment Dilemma: How Could the President Be Removed?

Section 4 of the 25th Amendment provides a mechanism for removing a president who is deemed "unable to discharge the powers and duties of his office." This process involves:

1. A written declaration from the Vice President and a majority of cabinet members to the Senate President Pro Tempore (Patty Murray) and the Speaker of the House (Mike Johnson) stating that the President is incapacitated.

Biden’s 25th Amendment Dilemma: How Could the President Be Removed?

Biden’s 25th Amendment Dilemma: How Could the President Be Removed?

2. If the President disputes this declaration, a vote must be taken in Congress within 48 hours. A two-thirds majority vote in both houses would result in the President's removal, with the Vice President becoming Acting President.

There are currently no indications that anyone in Biden's inner circle or the White House is considering invoking the 25th Amendment. However, diverse voices, including former President Lyndon Johnson and comedian Jon Stewart, have raised concerns about Biden's capacity to remain in office.

Biden’s 25th Amendment Dilemma: How Could the President Be Removed?

Biden’s 25th Amendment Dilemma: How Could the President Be Removed?

If Biden were to be removed under the 25th Amendment, Vice President Harris would become Acting President. She could then run for President in the next election, potentially facing off against former President Donald Trump once again.

The 25th Amendment provides a check on presidential power while safeguarding the continuity of government in the face of unexpected events. It balances the need for swift action with the importance of due process and Congressional oversight.

Biden’s 25th Amendment Dilemma: How Could the President Be Removed?

Biden’s 25th Amendment Dilemma: How Could the President Be Removed?

Understanding the 25th Amendment and its potential implications is crucial in the current political climate. While the invocation of Section 4 to remove a sitting President remains unlikely, it highlights the intricate constitutional mechanisms in place to ensure the smooth transition of power and the preservation of American democracy.

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