Biden's Aides Under Fire for Shielding Cognitively Declining President from Re-election

  • Prof. Oceane Beahan
  • July 12, 2024 01:03am
  • 268

Amidst mounting concerns over President Biden's mental fitness, former diplomat Richard Haass demands his handlers convince him to step down from the re-election race. Democrats express outrage over Biden's advisers allegedly protecting him despite awareness of his decline.

Former U.S. diplomat and Council on Foreign Relations President Emeritus Richard Haass has ignited a firestorm by calling on President Biden's handlers to persuade him to withdraw from the re-election campaign. The demand comes on the heels of a CNN report that exposes a growing chorus of Democratic officials and allies expressing concerns over Biden's mental ability.

According to the report, over two dozen anonymous sources, including donors, Biden allies, and both current and former Democratic officials, have raised alarm about the president's cognitive decline. The concerns emerged after actor George Clooney publicly criticized Biden's demeanor at a star-studded fundraiser in Los Angeles last month.

Biden's Aides Under Fire for Shielding Cognitively Declining President from Re-election

Biden's Aides Under Fire for Shielding Cognitively Declining President from Re-election

"He was less cogent than usual," one attendee remarked to CNN, adding that Biden delegated "virtually all of the talking to former President Barack Obama." The report also highlights concerns raised about Biden's performance in cabinet meetings, with sources claiming that the last full meeting occurred in October.

Since then, the meetings have allegedly become highly stage-managed, with aides providing Biden with "lists of talking points, names of questioners, and drawings of where he should walk." Officials are reportedly instructed to submit questions in advance.

Biden's Aides Under Fire for Shielding Cognitively Declining President from Re-election

Biden's Aides Under Fire for Shielding Cognitively Declining President from Re-election

"The entire display is kind of an act," an anonymous source told CNN. "They would come and say, ‘Hey, the president is going to call on you about 25 minutes in, and ask this question. What are the bullet points you’ll respond with?’”

Another source described the meetings as infrequent, "not free-wheeling, and pretty well-orchestrated." Sources also noted that cabinet meetings during the Obama administration were not as structured or "pre-scripted."

Biden's Aides Under Fire for Shielding Cognitively Declining President from Re-election

Biden's Aides Under Fire for Shielding Cognitively Declining President from Re-election

Privately, Democratic sources close to Biden's advisers acknowledge that the president's team is aware of his declining cognitive abilities and intentionally limits his meetings and public events. "There’s this general sense of just, unbelievable holding your breath every time he does an event, every time he’s with people," one source said. "This is going to get worse."

However, Biden's advisers have reportedly been strict in suppressing any public criticism. "Everyone who expresses any level of suspicion or contrary views? They call everyone and they beat the s out of them and say: ‘Stay on message,’" said a source.

Biden's Aides Under Fire for Shielding Cognitively Declining President from Re-election

Biden's Aides Under Fire for Shielding Cognitively Declining President from Re-election

As calls for Biden to step down mount from Democrats, donors, and media pundits, sources predict a gradual erosion of support across the board. "Expect a drip, drip, drip," warned a former Biden White House official.

Despite these concerns, White House deputy press secretary Andrew Bates defended Biden's record in both public events and private cabinet meetings. He cited Biden's frequent meetings with diverse administration staff and his direct engagement with voters in battleground states.

Regarding cabinet meetings, Bates stated that advance coordination is standard practice to avoid duplicate briefings and streamline discussions. Secretary of Agriculture Tom Vilsack emphasized the importance of avoiding surprises in cabinet meetings and the need for advance notice if a member intends to ask a question.

However, the concerns raised by Haass and other Democrats highlight a growing rift within the party over Biden's fitness for office. As the 2024 election approaches, the debate over Biden's cognitive abilities is likely to intensify, further complicating the Democratic race for the presidency.

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