Biden's Border Blunder: Potential Terrorists Exploit Open Southern Border

  • Dr. Jamal Schneider DVM
  • June 13, 2024 07:04am
  • 290

Fox News host Laura Ingraham expresses concern over the potential for terrorists to exploit the open southern border, citing the recent arrests of border crossers linked to ISIS. She argues that the Biden administration's catch-and-release policy poses a significant security risk.

Biden's Border Blunder: Potential Terrorists Exploit Open Southern Border

Fox News host Laura Ingraham has raised alarm over the potential for terrorists to exploit the open southern border, following the recent arrests of border crossers linked to the infamous Islamic State (ISIS). Ingraham's concerns are rooted in the Biden administration's catch-and-release policy, which allows migrants access to the United States from more than 100 countries.

"Biden's current catch-and-release policy still allows migrants access to the United States from more than 100 other countries," Ingraham said on her show, "The Ingraham Angle." "Now, how many times have we reported that these people coming across the border are young men of military age overwhelmingly? And Democrats literally never cared. They only care when it embarrasses them politically."

Ingraham's comments come in the wake of the arrest of eight border crossers with suspected ties to ISIS. Authorities have reportedly uncovered evidence linking the suspects to the terrorist group, raising fears about potential threats to national security.

"So, there's no telling what kind of information the government is sitting on about these men and other potential terrorists," Ingraham said. "Can you imagine?"

The Biden administration has been criticized for its handling of the border crisis, which has seen a surge in illegal crossings since the president took office. Critics argue that the administration's policies are encouraging more people to cross the border illegally, including potential threats to national security.

Ingraham believes that the government is withholding critical information about the ISIS-linked suspects, as well as other potential terrorists crossing the border. She cited the recent incident at Quantico Marine Corps Base, where two Jordanian nationals were found at the front gate. The Biden administration has refused to release information about the suspects, leading to speculation that they may pose a security risk.

"All we can conclude from this is that the facts must be very damaging," Ingraham said. "So going forward, there's no negotiating with the Democrats on this. There's no trying to convince them to change course. We just need to beat them by a lot."

Ingraham's call to action reflects the growing concern among Republicans and conservatives over the Biden administration's border policies. They argue that the open border is a national security threat, and that the government must take immediate action to secure the border and prevent potential terrorists from entering the country.

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