Biden's Cognitive Abilities Raise Concerns Post-Debate, According to Doctors

  • Prof. Camila Mills I
  • June 30, 2024 12:03am
  • 350

Amid concerns surrounding President Biden's cognitive abilities since the recent presidential debate, medical experts, including Dr. Brett Osborn and Dr. Marc Siegel, have expressed their worries about his mental fitness for office.

The first presidential debate of 2024 left many Americans and even some Democratic allies questioning President Biden's mental fitness for office based on his unclear train of thought and raspy voice. The White House attributed these concerns to a cold, but some doctors believe the health issues go beyond a simple sniffle.

Dr. Brett Osborn, a Florida neurosurgeon specializing in cognitive function, expressed concerns about Biden's performance during the debate, noting his difficulty in maintaining a coherent narrative and his tendency to lose his train of thought mid-sentence. Osborn emphasized that such signs of cognitive decline highlight a growing inability to manage the complexities of the presidency.

Biden's Cognitive Abilities Raise Concerns Post-Debate, According to Doctors

Biden's Cognitive Abilities Raise Concerns Post-Debate, According to Doctors

Dr. Marc Siegel, a physician and clinical professor of medicine at NYU Langone Medical Center, shared similar concerns. While acknowledging that Biden was able to respond to questions and seemed spatially aware, Siegel noted Biden's frequent disorientation and problems with spontaneity or redirecting. He described Biden's speech as meandering, often ending sentences in different places than intended.

Siegel emphasized that a physical illness, such as a cold, can amplify cognitive issues. However, he expressed skepticism that Biden's performance could be solely attributed to a cold. Siegel stated that cognitive issues wax and wane, and they may not always present in the same manner.

Biden's Cognitive Abilities Raise Concerns Post-Debate, According to Doctors

Biden's Cognitive Abilities Raise Concerns Post-Debate, According to Doctors

The age of both candidates has been raised as a concern, but Siegel stressed that physical and mental fitness are the primary factors to consider. "It is an issue of fitness, not of age. It is an issue of mental acuity, which is especially important if there is a crisis," Siegel said.

During an appearance on "Fox & Friends," Siegel discussed the possibility of cold medications impacting Biden's performance, stating that none of the medications typically used for a cold, except for those that could cause drowsiness, would be relevant to his observed cognitive issues.

Biden's Cognitive Abilities Raise Concerns Post-Debate, According to Doctors

Biden's Cognitive Abilities Raise Concerns Post-Debate, According to Doctors

Fox News Digital reached out to the Biden campaign and the White House press office for comment but received no response.

Concerns about Biden's age and memory emerged earlier this year following the release of a special counsel's report. The report described Biden's memory as "hazy," "fuzzy," "faulty," "poor," and having "significant limitations." Biden responded that his memory is fine.

Biden's Cognitive Abilities Raise Concerns Post-Debate, According to Doctors

Biden's Cognitive Abilities Raise Concerns Post-Debate, According to Doctors

Vice President Kamala Harris acknowledged that Biden had a "slow start" to the debate but defended his overall performance and record during his time in the White House.

In a New York Post opinion piece, Dr. Siegel wrote that "this isn't a question of age." He noted that cognition varies widely with age and that it is unfair to assume that executive function is automatically impaired at a certain age. However, he stated that it is a sad medical fact that those with growing problems of memory and judgment are often the last to acknowledge it.

Biden's Cognitive Abilities Raise Concerns Post-Debate, According to Doctors

Biden's Cognitive Abilities Raise Concerns Post-Debate, According to Doctors

Biden's Cognitive Abilities Raise Concerns Post-Debate, According to DoctorsBiden's Cognitive Abilities Raise Concerns Post-Debate, According to Doctors
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