Biden's Cognitive Decline Raises National Security Concerns, Prompts Calls for Removal

  • Josephine Kris
  • June 29, 2024 07:03am
  • 268

A Cornell University law professor has called on President Biden's Cabinet to invoke the Constitution's 25th Amendment to remove him from office after his weak debate performance Thursday night, citing his "cognitive decline" as a "national security threat."

In a scathing critique, legal scholar William Jacobson of Cornell University decried Biden's deteriorating mental acuity, alleging that it has reached a crisis point. He maintains that Biden's visible cognitive decline threatens national security and renders him incapable of effectively leading the country.

Biden's Cognitive Decline Raises National Security Concerns, Prompts Calls for Removal

Biden's Cognitive Decline Raises National Security Concerns, Prompts Calls for Removal

Jacobson pointed to Biden's recent public appearances, where he has exhibited signs of freezing and zoning out, as evidence of his impaired mental state. He argues that these incidents have raised concerns about his ability to handle the demands of the presidency, particularly in times of crisis when quick and decisive decisions are required.

House Speaker Mike Johnson echoed these concerns, expressing alarm over Biden's apparent weakness and its implications for the nation's security. He invoked the potential for foreign adversaries to exploit Biden's cognitive vulnerability and take aggressive actions.

Biden's Cognitive Decline Raises National Security Concerns, Prompts Calls for Removal

Biden's Cognitive Decline Raises National Security Concerns, Prompts Calls for Removal

Jacobson emphasized the grave consequences of Biden's mental decline for national security. He warned that enemies like China, Iran, and Russia could perceive Biden as a weak leader and seize opportunities to advance their own agendas. He feared that Biden's diminished mental capacity could lead to disastrous decisions that jeopardize the well-being of the United States.

The professor's call for invoking the 25th Amendment, which would effectively remove Biden from office, has sparked a debate within the Democratic Party. Under Section 4 of the amendment, the vice president and a majority of the Cabinet or Congress could declare the president unfit for office and transfer power to the vice president.

Biden's Cognitive Decline Raises National Security Concerns, Prompts Calls for Removal

Biden's Cognitive Decline Raises National Security Concerns, Prompts Calls for Removal

While the 25th Amendment was briefly considered during the final days of Trump's presidency following the January 6th Capitol riots, Jacobson denounced its invocation then as "in bad faith." He now urges Democratic leaders to take immediate action to address Biden's alarming cognitive decline.

Prominent figures in media outlets such as CNN and MSNBC have also voiced concerns about Biden's performance, suggesting that it may be time for him to reconsider his candidacy for reelection. They fear that his mental state could hinder his ability to effectively campaign and lead the country.

Biden's Cognitive Decline Raises National Security Concerns, Prompts Calls for Removal

Biden's Cognitive Decline Raises National Security Concerns, Prompts Calls for Removal

As the debate over Biden's cognitive health intensifies, it remains to be seen whether the Democratic Party will move to invoke the 25th Amendment or if Biden will choose to step aside voluntarily. The future of the Biden presidency and its implications for national security hang in the balance.

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