Biden's Decline: Democrats Ignored Warnings for Years

  • Dr. Eldred Bins III
  • July 14, 2024 02:04am
  • 398

Bob Costas criticizes Democrats for feigning surprise over Biden's declining mental acuity, citing years of evidence.

Sports broadcaster Bob Costas has launched a scathing attack on the Democratic Party, accusing them of feigning ignorance over President Joe Biden's cognitive decline for political expediency. Costas vehemently argues that Biden's deterioration has been "obvious" for years, and the party's sudden concern is merely a belated acknowledgment of a long-overlooked issue.

Chris Whipple, author of Biden's biography, "The Fight of His Life: Inside Joe Biden's White House," recently expressed skepticism that former President Barack Obama could persuade Biden to abandon his re-election bid. Whipple's statement contradicts widespread reports that Obama has been exerting pressure on Biden to step aside amidst growing calls within the Democratic Party for his withdrawal.

Biden's Decline: Democrats Ignored Warnings for Years

Biden's Decline: Democrats Ignored Warnings for Years

Whipple asserts that Biden harbors resentment toward Obama's team, which might prevent him from heeding the former president's advice. The author describes their relationship as "fraught," highlighting potential obstacles to Obama's influence.

Despite the alleged influence attempts, Whipple maintains that Obama's ability to sway Biden's decision is limited. He emphasizes the complexity of their relationship and Biden's perception of himself as an outsider within Obama's inner circle.

Biden's Decline: Democrats Ignored Warnings for Years

Biden's Decline: Democrats Ignored Warnings for Years

Meanwhile, the pressure on Biden to withdraw intensifies, with media personalities such as Joe Scarborough and Mika Brzezinski speculating that Obama is orchestrating behind-the-scenes efforts to replace him. They allege that Obama has influenced prominent figures like actor George Clooney to publicly advocate for Biden's removal.

Whipple acknowledges the close bond between Biden and Obama but also points to a rift between them. He suggests that Biden's sense of alienation from Obama's circles and his perceived mistreatment during the 2016 election could hinder Obama's ability to persuade him.

Biden's Decline: Democrats Ignored Warnings for Years

Biden's Decline: Democrats Ignored Warnings for Years

Despite the mounting pressure, Biden remains steadfast in his determination to defeat President Donald Trump in November. However, the Democratic Party faces a dilemma as they grapple with the challenges posed by Biden's cognitive decline and the potential consequences of replacing him at this late stage.

The situation highlights the delicate balance between respecting democratic processes and addressing concerns over a candidate's fitness for office. As the election draws near, both Democrats and Republicans must weigh the risks and rewards of maintaining or altering their current course.

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