Biden's Decline: The Media's Cover-Up Exposed

  • Violet Koss Sr.
  • July 9, 2024 08:03am
  • 331

Fox News host Greg Gutfeld and his guests dissect the media's belated acknowledgment of President Biden's cognitive decline, exposing their complicity in covering up his incapacity and weaponizing Trump hatred to distract from his own failures.

For years, the media has willfully ignored or downplayed the glaring signs of President Biden's declining mental acuity. Like the infamous Weinstein scandal, where Hollywood's elite turned a blind eye to his depravity, the media has shielded Biden from scrutiny, using the specter of Trump as a convenient deflection.

Biden's Decline: The Media's Cover-Up Exposed

Biden's Decline: The Media's Cover-Up Exposed

Just as Weinstein attempted to divert attention from his crimes by demonizing Trump, the media has been peddling a relentless narrative of Trump hatred to distract from Biden's own shortcomings. This strategy has been remarkably effective in pacifying the public and suppressing legitimate concerns about Biden's fitness for office.

However, the Biden dementia story has finally escaped the confines of right-wing media outlets and entered the mainstream consciousness. The media, once dismissive of such allegations, is now scrambling to catch up, recognizing the potential for a lucrative narrative that appeals to a wider audience.

Biden's Decline: The Media's Cover-Up Exposed

Biden's Decline: The Media's Cover-Up Exposed

While Joe Biden hid in his basement during the 2020 campaign and relied heavily on pre-prepared answers during public appearances, the media chose to focus on trivial distractions like the flag outside Justice Alito's house. The Russian collusion hoax and the Jan. 6 insurrectionist witch hunt further served to deflect attention from Biden's own failures.

The media's newfound obsession with Biden's decline is nothing more than an attempt to salvage their credibility and cover their own complicity. They have been complicit in enabling Biden's presidency by ignoring his obvious incapacity and manufacturing scandals to vilify Trump.

Now, as Biden's cognitive decline becomes increasingly undeniable, the media is desperately trying to portray themselves as heroes who are exposing the truth. But their sudden conversion to truth-telling is unconvincing, given their history of complicity in perpetuating hoaxes like the fake laptop scandal and Russian collusion.

The media's complicity in the Biden cover-up extends beyond mere negligence. It has been a deliberate and systematic effort to protect their own interests by maintaining a narrative that benefits the Democratic establishment. They have ignored the biggest DC scandal of our lifetimes while feasting on red soy meat that appeals to their left-wing base.

The media's belated acknowledgment of Biden's decline is a hollow gesture. They are not heroes for exposing the truth; they are simply reacting to a story that has become financially profitable. Their newfound concern for Biden's fitness is a desperate attempt to save face and avoid public backlash.

As the saying goes, "I'm the guy doing his job. You must be the other guys." The media has failed miserably in its duty to inform the public and hold those in power accountable. Their complicity in the Biden cover-up is a betrayal of their mission and a stain on their credibility that will take years to wash away.

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