Biden's DEI Mandate Undermines American Science and Security

  • Fletcher Hand
  • August 25, 2024 01:04am
  • 382

The Biden administration's diversity, equity, and inclusion (DEI) agenda is politicizing science, threatening U.S. competitiveness and national security, according to experts.

The Biden administration's emphasis on DEI has infiltrated every federal agency, including the National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA). The administration has conditioned funding for scientific research on "diversity statements" and equity requirements, a move that academics have condemned as a "politicized litmus test."

Princeton professor Robert George warns that the DEI agenda is "very, very bad idea" that is "corrupting" science. He stresses the importance of maintaining the best scientific minds to defend against foreign aggression.

Biden's DEI Mandate Undermines American Science and Security

Biden's DEI Mandate Undermines American Science and Security

NASA's inclusion plans require scientists to address how they will "attenuate or reduce" barriers to diversity. The agency also recommends hiring diversity consultants, raising concerns about the potential for favoritism over merit.

Renowned chemist Anna Krylovat draws parallels to the Soviet Union, where politicized science contributed to its downfall in the Cold War. She warns that the U.S. risks a similar fate if it prioritizes DEI over scientific excellence.

Biden's DEI Mandate Undermines American Science and Security

Biden's DEI Mandate Undermines American Science and Security

In 2021, Biden issued an executive order mandating DEI agendas in STEMM funding. Critics allege that agencies like NASA have been playing politics by conditioning funding on conformity to DEI principles.

Professors George and Krylovat, along with others, have demanded an end to DEI screening tests, arguing that they violate academic freedom.

Biden's DEI Mandate Undermines American Science and Security

Biden's DEI Mandate Undermines American Science and Security

NASA claims that inclusion plans are evaluated separately and do not impact scientific merit, but some researchers express doubts.

At the Department of Energy, researchers must disclose how their work will advance DEI. Senior investigators feel pressured to prioritize diversity over scientific capabilities, according to Krylovat.

Biden's DEI Mandate Undermines American Science and Security

Biden's DEI Mandate Undermines American Science and Security

Former Harvard Medical School dean Jeffrey S. Flier has criticized diversity statements as "implicit expectation of expressed allegiance to a politicized litmus test." He argues that DEI has become ideological and politicized, violating civil rights employment law.

The Biden administration's DEI agenda also extends to the Department of Defense, with the goal of ensuring "equity" among vendors. Critics argue that this approach undermines American competitiveness by prioritizing diversity over competence.

Biden's DEI Mandate Undermines American Science and Security

Biden's DEI Mandate Undermines American Science and Security

Experts warn that the prioritization of DEI over scientific merit threatens the U.S.'s ability to innovate, protect its interests, and maintain global dominance.

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