Biden's Executive Border Order: Fueling Illegal Crossings, Says Governor Abbott

  • Mabel Feest III
  • June 10, 2024 09:03pm
  • 194

Governor Greg Abbott of Texas denounces President Biden's executive order aimed at addressing the border crisis, claiming it is exacerbating the situation rather than resolving it.

Biden's Executive Border Order: Fueling Illegal Crossings, Says Governor Abbott

Governor Greg Abbott of Texas has launched a scathing critique of President Biden's executive order intended to tackle the border crisis, asserting that it is actually worsening the situation by encouraging illegal crossings.

In an interview with "Sunday Morning Futures" host Maria Bartiromo, Abbott expressed his belief that the order, which suspends non-citizen entry once average border encounters surpass 2,500 per day, is a mere political ploy and will ultimately fail to deter illegal immigration.

Biden's Executive Border Order: Fueling Illegal Crossings, Says Governor Abbott

"As long as the Biden administration refuses to enforce the law and prevent illegal crossings, this new policy will only attract and invite more people to cross the border illegally," Abbott stated.

The governor's criticism stems from his conviction that the order lacks any effective enforcement mechanisms to prevent illegal entry. He argues that the temporary suspension of asylum processing once the 2,500 threshold is reached will not deter individuals from attempting to cross the border.

Biden's Executive Border Order: Fueling Illegal Crossings, Says Governor Abbott

Abbott further contends that the order is simply an attempt by the Biden administration to address mounting criticism over its handling of border issues ahead of the November elections. He believes that President Biden is not genuinely committed to securing the border but is instead prioritizing political expediency.

"He's not doing anything to actually secure the border — in fact, it's the opposite, because he's actually authorizing more people to cross the border illegally," Abbott told Bartiromo.

Biden's Executive Border Order: Fueling Illegal Crossings, Says Governor Abbott

The governor's sentiments align with those of other critics who believe the Biden administration has failed to adequately address the surge in illegal border crossings. They argue that the rollback of Trump-era border protections has created a lax environment that has emboldened individuals to attempt illegal entry.

Under the current administration, there have been over 7 million migrant crossings, a significant increase from previous years. This surge has placed a significant strain on border resources and has raised concerns about national security and public safety.

Biden's Executive Border Order: Fueling Illegal Crossings, Says Governor Abbott

Governor Abbott's criticism reflects the growing frustration among Republican lawmakers and conservative commentators, who believe that the Biden administration is not taking the border crisis seriously. They demand stronger enforcement measures and a more comprehensive approach to addressing the issue.

It remains to be seen whether President Biden will adjust his approach to the border crisis in light of the criticism it has received. The situation is expected to remain a contentious issue in the lead-up to the November elections, with both sides of the political spectrum offering differing perspectives on the best way to secure the border and manage immigration.

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