Biden's Exit Raises Questions of Legitimacy and Presidential Fitness

  • Ericka Nicolas
  • July 23, 2024 01:04pm
  • 357

Greg Gutfeld questions the abrupt withdrawal of Joe Biden from the 2024 race, raising concerns about the potential for a "coup" and the legitimacy of Kamala Harris's candidacy.

So, it's been a while since we've seen Joe Biden, hasn't it? Ever since they unceremoniously tossed his decrepit frame from Air Force One last Wednesday, he's vanished without a trace. Are we really expected to believe that he's still capable of serving as commander-in-chief?

For years, we've witnessed Biden's cognitive decline as the Democrat complex has tirelessly covered it up. Now, he's finally admitted that he's not up to the rigors of a presidential campaign, which begs the question: how can he possibly remain in the Oval Office until January 20th?

Biden's Exit Raises Questions of Legitimacy and Presidential Fitness

Biden's Exit Raises Questions of Legitimacy and Presidential Fitness

Shouldn't we be demanding proof of life, like a newspaper with today's date held against his trembling hand? Or is that too much to ask from a man who's been spiraling down into dementia for all to see?

But here's the real kicker: if Biden is unfit to campaign, how can he possibly handle the responsibilities of the presidency? Shouldn't we be putting him on an ice floe, sending him adrift before his addled mind triggers World War III?

Biden's Exit Raises Questions of Legitimacy and Presidential Fitness

Biden's Exit Raises Questions of Legitimacy and Presidential Fitness

On the other hand, if Biden is still capable of doing the job, then doesn't this whole charade amount to a "coup"? Isn't this a blatant case of Obama, Clooney, and their coastal donors colluding with the media to replace a duly elected candidate simply because he couldn't keep up with Trump in the polls?

Isn't this the very definition of election interference? Where's Joe Scarborough when we need him? But don't bother calling his landline, he'll just hang up and use the cord to make a noose.

Biden's Exit Raises Questions of Legitimacy and Presidential Fitness

Biden's Exit Raises Questions of Legitimacy and Presidential Fitness

Let's not forget, Biden won the Democratic nomination. It's his, just like his beloved toy fire truck. Or at least it was until his handlers decided to snatch it away.

But Trump earned his nomination the hard way. He faced countless challenges and emerged victorious. On the left, however, it's a different story. Just ask Bernie Sanders, who's been unceremoniously denied the presidency twice by the Democratic establishment.

Biden's Exit Raises Questions of Legitimacy and Presidential Fitness

Biden's Exit Raises Questions of Legitimacy and Presidential Fitness

So, it was polling that ultimately sealed Biden's fate. A bunch of nameless number crunchers unilaterally chose a new candidate, not because of Biden's rapidly declining mental faculties but because they feared defeat.

That's anti-democratic, my friends. That's an attack on the very principle of representation. If this same standard had been applied to the Republican primary, Trump would have been ousted in 2016, and the world would have been spared the nightmare of four years of Hillary Clinton.

But wait, there's more to this sordid tale. Why is it that Biden chose to withdraw now? Is there more to his departure than meets the eye? Could it have something to do with a mysterious incident in Butler, Pennsylvania?

I'm not saying that the Democrats plotted to assassinate Trump, of course. Hillary's retired, and she's not exactly known for her agility on slanted roofs.

But let's not forget that Secret Service Director Cheatle was once assigned to Joe Biden's security detail. Jill reportedly campaigned for Cheatle to get the top job. They're quite the pair, aren't they? A DEI hire gets your shot, and a phony doctor gives you fake first aid.

Could it be that when resources were being allocated, favorites were played with, and experience and manpower were sacrificed? It's undeniable that the White House's response to threats against Trump left much to be desired.

Could this have been negligence born of derangement? A shared antipathy for Trump?

As the Democrats embrace Kamala Harris as Biden's replacement, she faces a unique dilemma. She cannot possibly choose a VP more competent than herself, for she cannot afford to be overshadowed. So, where will she find a politician who is more clueless and incompetent than she is?

Is there someone out there who meets the criteria? Oh, wait a minute, I've got an idea: Kamala, Joe, just trade places. That would solve everything, wouldn't it?

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