Biden's Favorability Plunges as Trump Gains Ground Ahead of Debate

  • Rahul Kutch
  • June 28, 2024 06:04am
  • 258

New polls reveal a "sizable gap" between the favorability ratings of President Biden and former President Trump, potentially shaping the upcoming CNN Presidential Debate.

President Biden's favorability ratings have taken a significant hit in recent polls, while former President Trump has seen a boost in his favorability, creating a "sizable gap" ahead of the pivotal CNN Presidential Debate on Thursday.

Steve Kornacki, NBC News and MSNBC's national political correspondent, highlighted the data from the latest polls conducted by Quinnipiac, New York Times/Siena College, and Gallup. According to Kornacki, these polls "all show a sizable gap between Trump's and Biden's favorable/unfavorable ratings — a shift from most polls this year."

Biden's Favorability Plunges as Trump Gains Ground Ahead of Debate

Biden's Favorability Plunges as Trump Gains Ground Ahead of Debate

The Quinnipiac poll found Biden with a 38% favorable rating among Americans and a 57% unfavorable rating. In contrast, Trump has a 44% favorability rating and a 51% unfavorable rating.

The New York Times/Siena poll showed an even wider gap, with Biden's favorability at 38% and unfavorability at 59%. Trump's favorability was 45% with an unfavorability of 52%.

Biden's Favorability Plunges as Trump Gains Ground Ahead of Debate

Biden's Favorability Plunges as Trump Gains Ground Ahead of Debate

The Gallup poll revealed the largest gap between the two presumptive nominees. Biden's favorability rating plunged to 37%, a low for the poll, with 61% disapproving. Trump, on the other hand, saw an improvement in his favorability to 46%, a level he hasn't reached since April 2020.

This decline in Biden's favorability contrasts with Trump's relatively stable ratings during the same period. Kornacki noted that this "shift" could potentially impact the upcoming debate.

Biden's Favorability Plunges as Trump Gains Ground Ahead of Debate

Biden's Favorability Plunges as Trump Gains Ground Ahead of Debate

The polls also suggest that Trump has an edge on Biden when it comes to protecting democracy, according to a Washington Post poll. The poll found that 44% of swing state voters trust Trump more than Biden to protect democracy, compared to only 33% who believe Biden would do a better job.

"When people cannot make up their minds between somebody who wants to destroy democracy — wants to destroy this country — the Republican Party will get rid of your Social Security, all sorts of things," said Joy Behar, co-host of "The View," in reaction to the poll.

Biden's Favorability Plunges as Trump Gains Ground Ahead of Debate

Biden's Favorability Plunges as Trump Gains Ground Ahead of Debate

The CNN Presidential Debate, which will be simulcast on Fox News Channel, is highly anticipated as it will mark Trump and Biden's first joint appearance on stage since 2020. The debate is expected to showcase their contrasting views and strategies ahead of the 2024 election.

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