Biden's First Four Years: A Mixed Bag for Scranton Residents

  • Amari Feeney
  • June 26, 2024 01:03pm
  • 373

Residents of Scranton, Pennsylvania, President Biden's hometown, share their perspectives on his first term and the top issues for them this year.

In the heart of Pennsylvania, the bustling city of Scranton holds a special place in President Biden's past. As his former neighbors, Scranton residents have witnessed firsthand the impact of his presidency on their lives and their community.

Walking along Biden Street, formerly Spruce, Michael gestures toward the road that now bears the president's name. "Well, the road’s named after him. You can start there," he says, highlighting the tangible mark Biden's presidency has left on his hometown. However, when asked about his performance, Michael's tone shifts. "You know what the crazy part about politics is? You can't win either way," he says, expressing doubts about the qualifications of both major-party candidates.

Biden's First Four Years: A Mixed Bag for Scranton Residents

Biden's First Four Years: A Mixed Bag for Scranton Residents

For Lauren, a resident who declined to give her last name, reproductive rights remain a top concern. She voices her dissatisfaction with how the abortion issue has played out during Biden's tenure. "I'm not happy with how everything has played out during his term," she declares.

Thomas, who encountered Fox News Digital near Lackawanna Avenue, offers a contrasting view. He strongly supports Biden, praising him for his economic policies. "He's done a lot for the economy," Thomas says, citing the recent decline in food prices and the city's decision to rename the Central Scranton Expressway connector after Biden.

Biden's First Four Years: A Mixed Bag for Scranton Residents

Biden's First Four Years: A Mixed Bag for Scranton Residents

However, not all residents share Thomas's optimism. Steve, encountered near the city bus terminal, expresses his disillusionment with Biden's economic policies. "The economy has tanked," he laments. "It's so terrible right now. Everything — every decision he's made, it's put us in a spot where we can't even live." He adds that his current situation has forced him to seek welfare assistance, something he never anticipated.

Brian echoes Steve's negative assessment, describing Biden's presidency as a "disaster." He worries that the continuation of such policies will lead to dire consequences. "If we continue like this, everybody's going to be living in the woods," he cautions.

Biden's First Four Years: A Mixed Bag for Scranton Residents

Biden's First Four Years: A Mixed Bag for Scranton Residents

Heather, taking a break from her job at a local restaurant, offers a succinct yet blunt assessment: "Trump 2024." She dismisses Biden's leadership, saying, "He doesn’t even complete sentences."

Despite the criticism, some residents remain undecided. John, encountered near the Northern Light Espresso Bar, hesitates to evaluate Biden's performance. "We go downhill, then we go uphill," he says, reflecting on the long-term fluctuations of the U.S. economy.

Biden's First Four Years: A Mixed Bag for Scranton Residents

Biden's First Four Years: A Mixed Bag for Scranton Residents

Meanwhile, Jennifer Saunders, the owner of the espresso bar, voices her concerns about the rising costs of running her business. She tries to absorb the additional expenses without passing them on to her customers, but it remains a delicate balancing act. "I try not to as much as I can, but I have to stay in business… it’s a tough balance," she says.

In the lead-up to the 2024 presidential election, Scranton residents grapple with their choices. Josie, an anarchist who attended a Pride Month event in nearby Wilkes-Barre, denounces both major-party candidates. "They're all completely removed from the struggles of regular people," she says.

Biden's First Four Years: A Mixed Bag for Scranton Residents

Biden's First Four Years: A Mixed Bag for Scranton Residents

A young man named John voices his support for Robert F. Kennedy, Jr., a candidate outside the mainstream political parties. He praises Kennedy's stance on various issues and his personal character. "I like his character. I like the way he speaks on a variety of issues and his plans to address them," John says, expressing hope that Kennedy will make an impact in the upcoming election.

Scranton's Democratic Mayor, Paige Gebhardt Cognetti, remains a staunch supporter of Biden. She highlights his commitment to working-class communities and his support for reproductive rights. "There's just no better choice when it comes to health care than Joe Biden," says Jen, a registered nurse who spoke at a Gebhardt Cognetti rally.

Biden's First Four Years: A Mixed Bag for Scranton Residents

Biden's First Four Years: A Mixed Bag for Scranton Residents

As the race for the presidency heats up, Scranton residents remain divided in their assessments of Biden's performance and their preferences for the future. The city that once shaped Biden's political aspirations now reflects the complexities and uncertainties of American politics in this pivotal election year.

Biden's First Four Years: A Mixed Bag for Scranton Residents
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