Biden's Future in Jeopardy as Prominent Democrats Call for Withdrawal

  • Omer Kulas III
  • July 19, 2024 03:04am
  • 349

Amidst mounting pressure from within his own party, President Biden's political future hangs in the balance. Prominent Democrats, including Senate Majority Leader Chuck Schumer and Rep. Adam Schiff, have publicly urged him to bow out of the race, citing concerns about his low approval ratings and waning support among voters.

As President Joe Biden faces mounting calls to withdraw from the 2024 presidential race, prominent media hosts from CNN, ABC, and NBC have offered blunt assessments of his political standing.

NBC's Kristen Welker has highlighted the unprecedented nature of the situation, with several prominent Democrats publicly expressing their doubts about Biden's viability as a candidate. She noted that House Speaker Nancy Pelosi's close ally, Rep. Adam Schiff, would not have made such a statement without her support. Welker also underscored that no one within the Biden camp has denied these reports, suggesting that they have reached a consensus within the party.

Biden's Future in Jeopardy as Prominent Democrats Call for Withdrawal

Biden's Future in Jeopardy as Prominent Democrats Call for Withdrawal

ABC's Jon Karl emphasized the gravity of the situation, stating that the "walls were closing in" on President Biden. Referencing reports of pressure from Democratic leadership, Karl asserted that it was "untenable" for Biden to remain the nominee when his own party was calling for his withdrawal.

Former Clinton aide George Stephanopoulos echoed Karl's concerns, stating that Biden was receiving reports of declining fundraising and dwindling support among Democratic voters. He emphasized that the president's low approval ratings and the growing desire for a different nominee would be difficult to overcome.

Biden's Future in Jeopardy as Prominent Democrats Call for Withdrawal

Biden's Future in Jeopardy as Prominent Democrats Call for Withdrawal

Even some of Biden's former media allies have expressed doubts about his ability to win the race. "Morning Joe" hosts Joe Scarborough and Mika Brzezinski suggested that Biden might not be the party's nominee, despite his emphatic declaration to the contrary earlier this month. Brzezinski urged Democrats to focus on the opposition rather than their own candidate.

Scarborough implored Biden's allies to "do the right thing" and help the president by urging him to withdraw. He warned that the situation would deteriorate if it continued to drag out, highlighting the urgent need for decisive action.

Biden's Future in Jeopardy as Prominent Democrats Call for Withdrawal

Biden's Future in Jeopardy as Prominent Democrats Call for Withdrawal

As the pressure intensifies, President Biden's future as a presidential candidate is in jeopardy. With prominent Democrats calling for his withdrawal and media allies expressing doubts, Biden faces an uphill battle to maintain support and secure his nomination. The next few weeks will be crucial in determining the direction of the Democratic Party and the 2024 presidential race.

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