Biden's Lax Border Policies Emboldening Cartels and Facilitating Entry of Violent Criminals

  • Prof. Bridie Walter
  • July 2, 2024 06:04am
  • 255

Former Arizona Supreme Court Justice Andrew Gould expresses his concerns over the lethal implications of President Biden's border policies, emphasizing how they are emboldening drug cartels and allowing dangerous criminals to enter the country. The recent apprehension of an MS-13 gang member, wanted for murder in El Salvador, serves as a stark reminder of the urgent need to address the border crisis.

President Biden's lax border security measures have created a breeding ground for drug cartels, while allowing dangerous criminals to slip into the United States undetected. This reckless policy has far-reaching consequences, threatening the safety and security of both border communities and the nation as a whole.

Biden's Lax Border Policies Emboldening Cartels and Facilitating Entry of Violent Criminals

Biden's Lax Border Policies Emboldening Cartels and Facilitating Entry of Violent Criminals

One recent example that underscores the severity of the situation is the apprehension of an MS-13 gang member, Melvin Orlando Hernandez Villanueva, in New York City. Wanted for murder in El Salvador, Villanueva had managed to enter the United States illegally and remain at large. His arrest by U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) agents exposed the glaring loopholes in Biden's border security framework.

Villanueva's case is not an isolated incident. ICE officials apprehended hundreds of fugitives wanted for serious crimes in El Salvador last year, highlighting the ease with which criminals can exploit the porous border. The presence of MS-13 gang members in the United States poses a significant threat to public safety, as they are notorious for their violent and ruthless criminal activities.

Biden's Lax Border Policies Emboldening Cartels and Facilitating Entry of Violent Criminals

Biden's Lax Border Policies Emboldening Cartels and Facilitating Entry of Violent Criminals

The failure to adequately secure the border has emboldened drug cartels and other criminal organizations. The cartels have seized control of large swaths of territory along the U.S.-Mexico border, fueling the flow of illicit drugs and human trafficking. The cartels' increased power and influence have led to a surge in violence, with Mexican border towns becoming battlegrounds for turf wars.

The crisis at the border has profound humanitarian consequences as well. The number of illegal border crossings has soared to record levels, placing an immense strain on border patrol agents and social service agencies. Many of the migrants are fleeing violence and poverty in their home countries, only to find themselves in dangerous conditions on the U.S. side of the border.

Biden's Lax Border Policies Emboldening Cartels and Facilitating Entry of Violent Criminals

Biden's Lax Border Policies Emboldening Cartels and Facilitating Entry of Violent Criminals

Former Arizona Supreme Court Justice Andrew Gould has sounded the alarm about the lethal implications of Biden's border policies. Gould argues that the administration's complacency is emboldening cartels, facilitating the entry of violent criminals, and putting the safety of border communities at risk.

Gould's concerns are echoed by law enforcement officials who have witnessed firsthand the devastating impact of unchecked border crossings. ICE Director Kenneth Genalo has stated that the administration's policies are allowing dangerous criminals to evade justice by entering the United States illegally.

The FBI has also expressed its commitment to apprehending fugitives and removing dangerous criminals from communities. The arrest of Villanueva is a testament to the dedication of law enforcement agencies, but it also underscores the urgent need for a comprehensive border security strategy.

It is imperative that the Biden administration recognizes the gravity of the border crisis and takes immediate action to address its underlying causes. This includes increasing border patrol agents, implementing effective screening measures, and working with neighboring countries to address the root causes of migration.

By ignoring the crisis at the border, the Biden administration is not only failing to uphold its constitutional duty to protect the nation's sovereignty but also compromising the safety and security of citizens. It is high time for decisive action to secure the border and restore law and order.

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